
Is the BMW E92 M3 reliable?

Is the BMW E92 M3 reliable?

In terms of overall reliability, the E92 M3 is one of the most dependable on the planet, but you have to address maintenance concerns and a few common faults before you can ease all worries.

Is the BMW M3 E90 reliable?

The S65 has a pair of them, one for each cylinder bank, and if there’s an issue with either, you may find the car going into limp mode. It’s now possible to have your existing actuators refurbished rather than replaced outright, making for a job that’ll cost around £600 instead of thousands.

Are BMW E92 reliable?

Compared to the same generation N54, N55, and S65 engines the N52 does offer better reliability. As such, looking from a relativity perspective then, yes, the E90 and E92 328i are reliable cars. Although, don’t expect the BMW 328i to be a cheap car to own.

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How many miles will an E92 M3 last?

These engines if maintained well should do 200k all day.

What year E90 is most reliable?

2006 e90 were the best and most reliable year.

Why E90 is the best?

Nonetheless, many enthusiasts agree the E9x steering is more lively and exciting than the newer generation 3 series. Point is – the E90 generation is a great overall drivers car. Excellent steering coupled with a great all around chassis. Additionally, each model had options for xDrive and manual transmissions.

What does the E92 M3 rev to?

The E92 M3 has a unique cold start up and a moving redline which will “unlock” the engines full ability to rev to 8,250 rpm once the engine is up to operating temperature.

How long do BMW E92 last?

Usually 200,000-250,000 miles with good maintenance.

How fast is E92?

General performance

Top speed 280 kph (174 mph)
Est. 0 – 100 mph – 0 16.5 s @ 1378 ft
Est. max acceleration 0.66 g (6 m/s²)
Est. emissions 317 g/km
Lateral acceleration 0.94 g (9 m/s²)