
Is the word Embiggen in the dictionary?

Is the word Embiggen in the dictionary?

Embiggens, a term that originated with The Simpsons, is once again getting the recognition it so rightfully deserves. It’s now also being added to Dictionary.com. And why wouldn’t it? It’s a perfectly cromulent word.

Where did the word Embiggen come from?

The nonsense word was coined for the 1996 “Simpsons” episode “Lisa the Iconoclast.” In one scene, students from Springfield Elementary School learn that their town’s motto is “A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.” Teacher Edna Krabappel then remarks, “Embiggens?

Is Cromulent in the dictionary?

Though ‘cromulent’ originated as a joke on The Simpsons, it’s a perfectly cromulent candidate for future entry in the dictionary. The word cromulent ended up in the script courtesy of a showrunner’s challenge to the writers. Cohen came up with cromulent as one of those words. It means “acceptable” or “fine.”

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What is the opposite of Embiggen?

enlarge, swell, bigger, magnify, expand, increase, aggrandize. Antonyms: shrink, contract, ensmallen, diminish.

When did Embiggen become a word?

“Embiggen” has been added to a US dictionary – a word first heard on The Simpsons in 1996. Merriam-Webster included the word, which has been popularised partly because of the comic Ms Marvel, among 850 new words and definitions.

How do I get Embiggen?

Embiggen can be obtained through Descent of Dragons card packs, or through crafting.

Is kwyjibo a real word?

Kwyjibo is an idiom that has been used as the name of the Melissa Computer Virus. Kwyjibo is a word used in The Simpsons Scrabble. In a real Scrabble board, all triple word scores are located at the edges and corners of the board.

Is Cromulent a word now?

You might say it’s perfectly cromulent word. That’s right, embiggen. It’s a real word now.

Is Cromulent a Scrabble word?

No, cromulent is not in the scrabble dictionary.

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Is kwyjibo a word?

Kwyjibo is a word made by Bart Simpson while the family was playing scrabble. According to Bart, ‘Kwyjibo’ means, “ A big, dumb, balding North American ape with no chin and a short temper”. This word was first referenced in the episode Bart the Genius.

What is Bart Simpson’s IQ?

Dr. Pryor walks in on the meeting, and surprises everyone when he tells them that Bart is a “gifted child,” and according to the aptitude test from earlier, Bart has an I.Q. of 216. Dr.

Is ZZZ a scrabble word?

Zzz is valid Scrabble Word.

What is the origin of the word embiggen?

The word “embiggen” first appeared in a scene from the 1996 “Simpsons” episode “Lisa the Iconoclast.” Merriam-Webster added the word “embiggen” to its dictionary. The word first appeared as a joke in a 1996 episode of “The Simpsons,” but has since been used in other contexts.

What’s the deal with embiggen and cromulent on the Simpsons?

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Supposedly, both embiggen and “cromulent” — which didn’t make the cut on Monday — were the result of a dare. According to Simpsons lore, the showrunners challenged the episode’s writers to insert two real-sounding fake words into the script. Both coinages instantly became running inside jokes among fans of the show.

What does it mean to enlarge something?

: to make bigger or more expansive : enlarge, expand This incredible chart was the final product. (Click to embiggen.)—