
Is violet a religious name?

Is violet a religious name?

Violet is baby girl name mainly popular in Christian religion and its main origin is English.

What is the origin of the name violet?

Origin: The name Violet comes from the Latin word viola, which means purple. Gender: Violet is most commonly used as a girl name.

How old is the name violet?

The color violet was named after the flower – first being recorded as a color name in English in 1370.

What is the biblical Hebrew word for blue?

The Hebrew word for blue is ka-KHOL.

What is the Hebrew name for Violet?

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The Hebrew word for purple is sa-GOL.

What is the biblical meaning of violet?

Violet is the ancient royal color and therefore a symbol of the sovereignty of Christ. Violet is also associated with repentance from sin. Red evokes the color of blood, and therefore is the color of martyrs and of Christ’s death on the Cross. Red also symbolizes fire, and therefore is the color of the Holy Spirit.

What is the Hebrew name for violet?

Is violet a Greek name?

The flower violet is ἴον /íon/ in Ancient Greek. In Modern Greek, μενεξές /menekses/ < Turkish menekşe < Persian بنفشه ‎/banafše/ and βιολέτα < Italian violetta are more common. You’ll occasionally find the derived terms μενεξί, βιολετί.

Is violet a Victorian name?

The Victorian era, when Queen Victoria ruled the United Kingdom, lasted from 1837 until 1901 — most of the 19th century. So Victorian girl names are equivalent to 1800 girl names, for the most part., or 19th century girl names. Girl names from the 1800s back in fashion include Violet, Mabel, Phoebe, and Ada.

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What are the Hebrew colors?


  • סָגֹל — purple, violet (adjective) sa-gol.
  • אָדֹם — red (adjective) a-dom.
  • כָּחֹל — blue (adjective) ka-ḥol.
  • צָהֹב — yellow (adjective) tsa-hov.
  • כָּתֹם — orange (adjective) ka-tom.
  • יָרֹק — green (adjective) ya-rok.
  • שָׁחֹר — black (adjective) sha-ḥor.
  • לָבָן — white (adjective) la-van.

What Colour is not mentioned in the Bible?

Why is the color blue not in the bible?

What color is segol in Hebrew?


Summary of answers provided
5 +1 Segol/Argaman Pro-Japanese
5 +1 sagol, argaman + more John Kinory (X)
5 Please see the explanation below: Irina Glozman
