
Is wildlife and natural resources?

Is wildlife and natural resources?

Wildlife is an important part of the natural resource base of the state (Humphreys and Smith, 2011). Like other high-value natural resources it is possible that wildlife could, therefore, catalyze perverse governance incentives and even undermine economic development (Halle, 2009).

Which type of natural resources are forest and wildlife?

Answer: Air, water, land, forest, wildlife, and minerals are important natural resources.

What is considered as wildlife?

Wildlife traditionally refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to include all organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans. Deserts, forests, rainforests, plains, grasslands, and other areas, including the most developed urban areas, all have distinct forms of wildlife.

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What are the natural resources?

Natural resources are materials from the Earth that are used to support life and meet people’s needs. Any natural substance that humans use can be considered a natural resource. Oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stone and sand are natural resources. Other natural resources are air, sunlight, soil and water.

Why is wildlife considered as resource?

Answer: Wildlife includes all those naturally occurring plant and animal species which are neither cultivated, domesticated nor tamed. Wildlife occurs in forests. It is a renewable resource.

What is wildlife resources in geography?

Wildlife comprises animals, birds, and insects living in forests. With large regional variations in physiographic, climate, and edaphic types, Indian forests offer a wide range of habitat types that are responsible for a large variety of wildlife in India.

Why is wildlife considered a resource?

Why do forest and wildlife considered as natural resources?

Besides trees, the forests possess shrubs, climbers, herbs, herbivores, carnivores, saprophytes and parasites living together maintaining hormony of nature. Wildlife refers to living beings comprising animals, plants and micro-organisms found in natural habitats which are neither do domesticated/tamed nor cultivated.

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What is natural vegetation and wildlife?

Natural vegetation refers to a plant community, which has grown naturally without human aid and has been left undisturbed by humans for a long time. The term flora is used to denote plants of a particular region or period. Similarly, the species of animals are referred to as fauna.