
Should ancient Egyptian artifacts be returned?

Should ancient Egyptian artifacts be returned?

Yes because… Artefacts belong to their country of origin; repatriation is the right thing to do. They have a unique connection with the place where they were produced and are an essential part of the cultural history of that area.

Should cultural treasures be returned to their country of origin?

UNESCO has put forward numerous recommendations and Conventions. The most important are the 1954, 1970 and 1995 Conventions. The Hague Convention rgues that treasures stolen during wartime should be returned to their original owners.

What can artifacts tell us about human history?

Archaeologists use artifacts and features to learn how people lived in specific times and places. They want to know what these people’s daily lives were like, how they were governed, how they interacted with each other, and what they believed and valued.

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What is an historical artifact?

Historical artifacts means objects produced or shaped by human efforts, a natural object deliberately selected and used by a human, an object of aesthetic interest, and any human- made objects produced, used, or valued by the historic peoples of Utah.

How do historians analyze artifacts?

Historians use artifacts to learn about the culture of the people who made or used them. Historians put the source in context by drawing on their background knowledge about the time period. interpret. To interpret is to find the meaning.

Should historical artifacts be returned?

It is morally correct, and reflects basic property laws, that stolen or looted property should be returned to its rightful owner. Cultural objects belong together with the cultures that created them; these objects are a crucial part of contemporary cultural and political identity.

How do you think the study of history affects your life as a student?

Increase your understanding of national identities and societies: as a student of history, you will look into how nations were formed by an understanding of a shared past and a common identity. History provides you with a firm grasp of why things change, the mechanisms driving change and its significance.