
Should I publish Yarn lock?

Should I publish Yarn lock?

Don’t worry about publishing the yarn. lock file as it won’t have any effect on users of the library.

Does npm use Yarn lock?

However, both Yarn and NPM (as covered by @Cyrille) intelligently ignore yarn. lock and package-lock. json respectively where necessary, making it safe to always commit these lockfiles. So you should always commit at least one of yarn.

Should npm lock files be committed?

To quote npm doc: It is highly recommended you commit the generated package lock to source control: this will allow anyone else on your team, your deployments, your CI/continuous integration, and anyone else who runs npm install in your package source to get the exact same dependency tree that you were developing on.

Do I need package lock JSON with yarn?

Without a package lock file, a package manager such as Yarn or npm will resolve the the most current version of a package in real-time during the dependencies install of a package, rather than the version that was originally intended for the specific package.

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Should I ignore package lock json?

json, which is essentially the same file, but allows publication. This is not recommended unless deploying a CLI tool or otherwise using the publication process for producing production packages. json are present in the root of a package, package-lock. json will be completely ignored.

Do I need package lock json with Yarn?

Should I ignore package-lock json?

Should I commit package-lock json to Git?

The package-lock. json file needs to be committed to your Git repository, so it can be fetched by other people, if the project is public or you have collaborators, or if you use Git as a source for deployments. The dependencies versions will be updated in the package-lock. json file when you run npm update .

Can we install both Yarn and npm?

Although a few commenters here say its ok to mix both yarn and npm on the same project, after using yarn and npm and then yarn again, this is what yarn has to say about it: warning package-lock. json found. Your project contains lock files generated by tools other than Yarn.

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Should I commit Yarn lock to Git?

Yes, we should commit yarn. lock and package-lock. json files into the project version control system.