
Should you pin to multiple boards?

Should you pin to multiple boards?

Q: Is it ok to pin the same image to the same board more than one time (ie repeated pins)? A: Yes! it’s important, however, for each pin to have a unique pin description for best results.

Can you post the same PIN to multiple boards?

It’s good to pin the same pin to multiple relevant, keyword rich boards. More pin-board combos = more chances for one (or more) of those pins to explode your traffic.

How many times should you pin on Pinterest?

How many repins should you focus on daily? According to a Pinterest webinar that happened in February 2020, it’s NOT recommended you Pin over 50 times a day. Instead, the sweet spot seems to be 15-25 Pins max. For best results, stick to Pinning less, not more, and focus on relevance and quality for your audience.

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Should you pin others pins?

Yes, it’s totally okay to pin things sometimes – just because you want to. Just remember to keep the pins on your business account directly related to your business – and the content you create for business. And if you have boards and pins that aren’t related, be sure to make those “secret.”

How many pins should you pin a day?

Recommended safe Pinning strategies are around 6-15 Pins per day for good reach and engagement. Make sure you’re not pinning the same URL any more than once in a 24 hour period.

How do I save one pin to multiple boards?

In order to move the pins, all you need to do is go to one of your boards on the Web, click on ‘Move Pins,’ select up to 50 pins and then choose the board you want to move them to. Additionally, you can also copy pins if you think they’re relevant on more than one board, or delete them.

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What is the best time to pin on Pinterest?

The best times to post on Pinterest

  • The best time to post on Pinterest is between 8 pm and 11 pm and between 2 am and 4 am.
  • If most of your audience works a 9-5 job, the best time to post on Pinterest is before/after work hours and lunchtime; avoid posting pins during working hours.

Can I pin on other people’s boards?

Pinning to a Group Board on Pinterest works the same way as a regular Board. Just select the collaborative Board, and tap the plus icon to the right to Pin your content!

How many pins should I pin per day 2021?

How many pins should I have on a board?

With a target of 10 pins per day, you should aim for the following: 3 of your own pins each day to your boards and to group boards. 7 of other peoples pin each day to your boards. 2 of your pins to Tailwind Tribes.