
What affects reverberation time?

What affects reverberation time?

Basic factors that affect a room’s reverberation time include the size and shape of the enclosure as well as the materials used in the construction of the room. Every object placed within the enclosure can also affect this reverberation time, including people and their belongings.

What could be done to increase the reverberation time?

You can change the reverberation time by changing the texture or materials in the wall, ceiling, and floor coverings and even changing the furniture. The presence or absence of an audience can also affect reverberation time.

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On what factors reverberation time of Hall is affected and how?

Reverberation time depends on the size and shape of the space along with the amount, quality and positioning of absorbing surfaces within the space. The more sound absorption in the room, the lower the reverberation time.

What causes reverberation in a room?

When a sound is made in a room it travels outwards in all directions. As soon as it hits a hard surface such as a wall, floor or ceiling, it bounces straight back off, the sound then passes back and forth between the surfaces, creating reverberation. This sounds similar to an echo, but shorter.

What is a reverberation time?

Reverberation time (RT) is the time required for the sound in a room to decay over a specific dynamic range, usually taken to be 60 dB, when a source is suddenly interrupted. The Sabine formula relates the RT to the properties of the room.

Do you think that highly reflective surfaces and absorbing surfaces have a different effect on the reverberation time why?

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The effect of the sound-deadening material can be measured by using the supporting structure as a wall between two isolated reverberation rooms. Either noise or vibration excitation can be used.

How can you reduce the reverberation time?

Reverberation can be reduced by using some kind of material on the walls or ceiling of the room that absorbs the sound waves rather than reflecting it. Plastics, fibreboards, or curtains are some of the substances that are used to reduce the reverberation of sound.

What are the factors affecting the acoustic of building?

Shape – The shape of a structure affects its acoustics. The shape may either scatter the sound waves or concentrate them thus influencing how sound gets heard inside the structure. Size – Large buildings have different acoustical properties than small ones because of the effects of echo and others.

What is the reverberation time of a room?

The reverberation time of a room or space is defined as the time it takes for sound to decay by 60dB. For example, if the sound in a room took 10 seconds to decay from 100dB to 40dB, the reverberation time would be 10 seconds.

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How does the reverberation time affects the acoustics of auditorium?

Another concern related to auditorium size is reverberation, which we’ll discuss more below. Larger rooms can cause longer reverberation times, which can become excessive. Smaller rooms can cause shorter reverberation times that may seem too short, making the room feel acoustically “dead.”

What are the factors affecting the acoustic quality of a building?


  • Reverberation time:- It is defined as the time during which the sound energy falls from its steady-state value to IOA(-6) times after the source is cut off.
  • Loudness: –
  • Focusing and interference effects:-
  • Echo: –
  • Echelon effect:-
  • Resonance: –
  • Noise: –