
What are Golgi apparatus made of?

What are Golgi apparatus made of?

The Golgi apparatus, also called Golgi complex or Golgi body, is a membrane-bound organelle found in eukaryotic cells (cells with clearly defined nuclei) that is made up of a series of flattened stacked pouches called cisternae. It is located in the cytoplasm next to the endoplasmic reticulum and near the cell nucleus.

What is the structure and function of Golgi apparatus?

The golgi apparatus is a membrane bound organelle found in most cells. It is responsible for packaging proteins into vesicles prior to secretion and therefore plays a key role in the secretory pathway.

What is the importance of the Golgi apparatus and its relationship with the plasma membrane?

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The Golgi apparatus plays a major role in protein biosynthesis, post-translational modification of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) derived proteins and as a sorting station for proteins directed for the plasma membrane, lysosomes and other destinations.

Why is Golgi body important for the cell how is it related to the chosen analogy?

Golgi apparatus analogy: the Golgi apparatus is sometimes referred to as the packing plant or the post office of the cell because it receives molecules and makes changes to them then sorts and addresses those molecules for transport to other areas of the cell, just like a post office does with letters and packages.

What are the four functions of the Golgi apparatus?

What are the four functions of the Golgi apparatus?

  • Modifying of proteins.
  • Sorting and processing of proteins.
  • Creating the lysosomes.
  • Transporting lipids around the cell.

What are the functions of Golgi apparatus Class 9?


  • They are involved in synthesis of cell wall,plasma membrane and lysosomes.
  • It produces vacuoles which contain cellular secretions eg:enzymes,protein,cellulose etc.
  • They act as an area for storage,processing and packaging of various cellular secretions.
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What would happen without the Golgi apparatus?

Complete answer: If there were no Golgi bodies, the proteins in cells would float around without direction. Other cells and organs in the body would not function properly without the products that the Golgi body normally sends. If the Golgi apparatus is not present the packaging and transport of materials would cease.

What would happen if a cell has no Golgi apparatus?

Why the Golgi apparatus is called the packaging and shipping center of a cell?

The Golgi complex is responsible inside the cell for packaging of the protein molecules before they are sent to their destination. This organelles helps in processing and packaging the macromolecules like proteins and lipids that are synthesized by the cell, It is known as the ‘post office’ of the cell.

What is the Golgi apparatus compared to?

An analogy for the Golgi apparatus is that the Golgi apparatus is like a mail room in an office building. The Golgi apparatus is in charge of sorting proteins for the cell.