
What are some examples of transitional species?

What are some examples of transitional species?

Specific examples of class-level transitions are: tetrapods and fish, birds and dinosaurs, and mammals and “mammal-like reptiles”.

How are reptiles and amphibians related?

Once upon a time, reptiles and amphibians were classified together as one family. Reptiles and amphibians also are both vertebrate animals, meaning they have backbones. Reptiles and amphibians also both have excellent eyesight that helps them hunt prey. Reptiles and amphibians use many common defense mechanisms.

Are snakes transitional fossils?

Named Tetrapodophis (“four-footed snake”), this fossil has a long body with some 160 vertebrae in front of the tail but also four very small limbs. Tetrapodophis purportedly showed that body elongation preceded loss of limbs in the evolution of snakes and thus gained international attention as a “transitional fossil.”

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Do whales have transitional fossils?

There simply are no transitional forms in the fossil record between the marine mammals and their supposed land mammal ancestors . . . Of course, for many years the fossil record for the whales was quite spotty, but now there are numerous transitional forms that illustrate the pathway of whale evolution.

Are reptiles evolved from amphibians?

The first reptiles evolved from an amphibian ancestor at least 300 million years ago. They laid amniotic eggs and had internal fertilization. They were the first vertebrates that no longer had to return to water to reproduce.

What are three differences between amphibians and reptiles?

They have a porous skin that requires moisture. Also, amphibians lay eggs in the water, and their young have gills to survive in the water….Difference Between Reptiles and Amphibians.

Amphibians Reptiles
Skin is smooth and highly porous. Skin is dry, hard and scaly.

What evolved into the first amphibians?

The earliest amphibians evolved in the Devonian period from sarcopterygian fish with lungs and bony-limbed fins, features that were helpful in adapting to dry land. They diversified and became dominant during the Carboniferous and Permian periods, but were later displaced by reptiles and other vertebrates.

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How do reptiles and mammals differ from amphibians?

Mammals are the animals that is make baby, but the Amphibians, and Reptiles lay eggs. Amphibians is the kind of the animals that live at the ground and water. That means they can live in a two place water and on the ground.

In what ways are amphibians and reptiles alike and different?

Reptiles and amphibians are both animals, many of which have internal fertilization. They both lay eggs. However, reptile eggs tend to have a harder shell while amphibians have soft, permeable eggs, more like fish eggs. A big difference in their development is that amphibians have an aquatic larval form after hatching.

What are 3 differences between amphibians and reptiles?

They have a porous skin that requires moisture. Also, amphibians lay eggs in the water, and their young have gills to survive in the water….Difference Between Reptiles and Amphibians.

Amphibians Reptiles
The heart is three-chambered. The heart is three-chambered but the ventricle is further divided through a septum.