
What are some of the trainings the Marines go through?

What are some of the trainings the Marines go through?

Biddle standardized a mandatory two-month recruit training schedule (including drill, physical exercise, personal combat and intensive marksmanship qualification with the M1903 Springfield rifle) and set up four depots at Philadelphia, Norfolk, Puget Sound and Mare Island.

What does Marine combat training consist of?

Training includes marksmanship, combat formations, and patrolling, as well as other combat related skills.

Where do you go for SOI training in the Marines?

After completing boot camp, Marines get assigned to the second stage of USMC military training. The Marine Corps has two locations for School of Infantry (SOI) training. Learn more about SOI and what you can expect in terms of training while at Camp Geiger or Camp Pendleton. What is the School of Infantry (SOI)? How long is SOI?

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What is the difference between infantry MOS 0300 and Soi?

However, the School of Infantry in the Marine Corps separates recruits based on their desired military occupation. Therefore, Marines with Infantry MOS 0300 receive training at the Infantry Training Battalion (ITB). On the other hand, all non-infantry Marines receive SOI training through the Marine Combat Training Battalion (MCT Bn).

What happens after basic training in the Marine Corps?

After completing Marine Corps basic training, you will be given 10 days of leave before you must report to the School of Infantry. Infantry Marines will undergo two months of training at SOI, and other Marines will undergo just two weeks before transferring to their MOS school.

What is Marine School of infantry training like?

Marine School of Infantry training challenges Marines physically and mentally. The training is a combination of classroom learning and field training, including offensive and defensive operations tactics.