
What are the 5 declensions in Latin?

What are the 5 declensions in Latin?

What Are the Latin declensions?

  • Nominative = subjects,
  • Vocative = function for calling, questioning,
  • Accusative = direct objects,
  • Genitive = possessive nouns,
  • Dative = indirect objects,
  • Ablative = prepositional objects.

How do you know which declension to use in Latin?

It is actually super easy to identify the declension of a Latin noun. You look at the noun’s genitive singular form and see what ending it has. This ending tells you which declension it belongs to.

What is the difference between the Latin declensions?

1st declension nouns are (almost always) feminine in gender. 2nd declension nouns are masculine or neuter. Again, the gender is arbitrary, but the declension patterns are associated with certain grammatical genders. Adjectives, however, have no inherent gender.

Which declension is Dominus?

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Masculine ‘-us’ ending

Case Singular Plural
Nominative dominus domini
Vocative domine domini
Accusative dominum dominos
Genitive domini dominorum

What gender is dies in Latin?

Gender: All 5th declension nouns are feminine, except dies, and compounds of dies, which are masculine. Dies, however, can also be feminine when it refers to a specific day: constitūtā diē, on the appointed day.

How do you remember declensions in Latin?

In fact, all nouns correspond to a Latin declension according to their position in the sentence. Learning Latin, therefore, requires you to memorise all the Latin declensions and cases….What Are the Latin declensions?

Case Singular Plural
Dative Corpori Corporibus
Ablative Corpore Corporibus

What declension is Templum?


Case Singular Plural
Nominative templum templa
Genitive templī templōrum
Dative templō templīs
Accusative templum templa