
What are the advantages of programmable logic devices?

What are the advantages of programmable logic devices?

Advantages of programmable logic devices:

  • Low development cost.
  • Less space requirement.
  • Less power requirement.
  • It is easy to troubleshoot.
  • Less design time.
  • High switching speed.
  • High design security.
  • Easy design modification.

What are the differences between FPGA and CPLD write the main reasons for choosing FPGA?

The primary differences between CPLD and FPGA are architectural. A CPLD has a restrictive structure which results in less flexibility. The FPGA architecture is dominated by interconnects, which makes them not only far more flexible but also far more complex to design.

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What is the advantage of an FPGA over a CPLD?

FPGAs are much more capable compared to CPLDs but can be more expensive as well. More “secure” due to design storage within built in non-volatile memory. FPGAs that use external memory can expose the IP externally. Many FPGA vendors offer mechanisms such as encryption to combat this.

Which type of PLD should be used to program basic logic function?

For programmable logic functions, which type of PLD should be used? Explanation: Since PAL consists of programmable AND gates and fixed OR gates and also circuitry working is less.

What is the advantage of a PLA over a ROM?

PLA (Programmable Logic Array) This also provides a ‘Sum of Products’ term, but in a different way. Since terms for AND gates are also possible, it can give more product terms like AB, BC’, C etc. Therefore it is much easier to implement logic functions compared to ROM.

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How does programmable logic devices differ from FPGA?

The difference between FPGAs and CPLDs is that FPGAs are internally based on look-up tables (LUTs) whereas CPLDs form the logic functions with sea-of-gates (e.g. sum of products). CPLDs are meant for simpler designs while FPGAs are meant for more complex designs.

What are the important features of CPLD and FPGA?

The main distinction between FPGA and CPLD device architectures is that FPGAs are internally based on look-up tables (LUTs) while CPLDs form the logic functions with sea-of-gates (for example, sum of products).

How would you choose FPGA over CPLD?

FPGA contains up to 100,000 of tiny logic blocks while CPLD contains only a few blocks of logic that reaches up to a few thousands. 2. In terms of architecture, FPGAs are considered as ‘fine-grain’ devices while CPLDs are ‘coarse-grain’.

What will happen if a pal has been programmed once?

Once a PAL has been programmed: [A]. it cannot be reprogrammed.

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What is CPLD in digital logic?

A programmable logic device (PLD) is an electronic component used to build reconfigurable digital circuits. Unlike integrated circuits (IC) which consist of logic gates and have a fixed function, a PLD has an undefined function at the time of manufacture.