
What are the issues with SQL?

What are the issues with SQL?

The CPU can also be strained if there are bad indexes in place.

  • Poorly-Written SQL. Because SQL is declarative, you can write the same query in many ways to receive the same results.
  • Bad Indexes.
  • Locking Contention.
  • Memory Problems.
  • High CPU Usage.

What are the pros and cons of SQL?

SQL vs. NoSQL Comparison Chart

Pros Cons Cons
Large user community Data normalization Smaller user community
No code required Rigidity Inefficiency with complex queries
ACID compliance Resource-intensive scaling Data retrieval inconsistency

What are the common performance issues in SQL Server?

Common SQL Server Performance Issues & Solutions:

  • Issue 1: Query Taking Long time than usual processing. This issue may occur due to resource contention from locking.
  • Issue 2: Database may face out of space error.
  • Issue 3: Client loses connection to the SQL Server.
  • Issue 4: Complete system goes to a Deadlock state.
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What are the disadvantages of MySQL?


  • MySQL lower version (5.0 or less) doesn’t support ROLE, COMMIT and stored procedure.
  • MySQL does not support a very large database size as efficiently.
  • MySQL doesn’t handle transactions very efficiently and it is prone to data corruption.

What are the disadvantages of a query?

Mention some disadvantages of query?

  • There are no indexes in query.
  • Triggers and procedures are SET NOCOUNT ON.
  • Sometimes joins that are complicated and complex are excessively complied.
  • Cursors and tables that are temporary depicts a bad presentation.

What is SQL state?

SQLSTATE is a code which identifies SQL error conditions. It composed by five characters, which can be numbers or uppercase ASCII letters. An SQLSTATE value consists of a class (first two characters) and a subclass (last three characters).

Why is SQL slow?

Missing indexes, an inadequate storage I/O subsystem, or a slow network are only some of the possible reasons why a SQL Server database engine might slow down, which is why finding the true cause of a performance bottleneck is vital. Poor index design. Poorly designed database schema. Inadequate storage I/O subsystem.

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What is deadlock in SQL Server?

A SQL Server deadlock is a special concurrency problem in which two transactions block the progress of each other. The first transaction has a lock on some database object that the other transaction wants to access, and vice versa.