
What are the profiles of a river?

What are the profiles of a river?

River cross profiles show you a cross-section, taken sideways, of a river’s channel and/or valley at certain points in the river’s course. A channel cross-profile only includes the river whereas a valley cross-profile includes the channel, the valley floor and the sides of the valley.

What are the 3 stages of river?

Answer: Most rivers have an upper (youthful) course, a middle (mature) course and a lower (old age) course. These stages are marked by variations in the characteristics of the river.

What is a river Year 3?

A river is a moving body of water that flows from its source on high ground, across land, and then into another body of water, which could be a lake, the sea, an ocean or even another river.

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What is the cross profile of a river?

The cross profile of a river shows how the width and depth of the river valley and channel change as you travel downstream. Near the source of a river there is more vertical erosion as the river flows downhill, using its energy to overcome friction (A).

What are the long profile and cross profile of a river?

The average flow velocity of a river increases along its long profile. This makes sense; along the profile, more potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, increasing the velocity. This is only the average velocity however; a cross-section of a river shows that the velocity varies from one side to the other.

What is ungraded profile?

Page 4. Ungraded profile. Is a river profile that has irregularities/obstruction/temporary base levels along its path (It is not smooth) Graded profile. Is a smooth concave profile which is steep a the source and gentle at the mouth.

What are the three activities of river?

These are known as the three functions of a river. They are (i) erosion (ii) transportation and (iii) deposition. Throughout its course a river displays all the three activities to some extent.

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What is a coast Year 3?

The coast is the zone between land and sea. The action of the waves and the sea constantly changes the shape and form of the coast, and people manage these changes in different ways. The coast is the place where land and sea meet.

What is the difference between the long and cross profile of a river?

Which part of the long profile has the deepest channel?

The river channel is at its widest and deepest as it flows towards its mouth. Deposition is the main process in this part of the river, which creates large floodplains and deltas .

What is the difference between a long profile and a cross profile?
