
What can beat a Custodes?

What can beat a Custodes?

Many of the weapons which historically would do well against custodes are in the range of S6-8, Ap 1 or 2 with 2 or 3 (or d3) damage.

Can a Custodes beat a primarch?

Primarchs are above even them and in a death duel, very few Custodes could hold against a Primarch. However, the Ten Thousand have numbers. The full might of the Adeptus Custodes, arrayed against even all 21 Primarchs, is going to be a tough fight.

Who is Palpatine’s guard?

Affiliation. The Red Guard, nicknamed Redrobes, was an elite organization of bodyguards trained to protect Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the head of state of the Galactic Republic. Its first members were drawn from the ranks of the Senate Guard.

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How is a Custodes made?

The Custodes are Immortal Aspirants are chosen under a much stricter regimen than Astartes, and the process to create them begins at infancy, rather than adolescence. The process is a full genetic alteration, without the “mass produced” butchery of organ implantation.

Can a space marine beat a Custodes?

They do not fight like the astartes or the primarchs and would do whatever it took to kill whatever was a threat. They are made more like the primarchs than a space marine and are far stronger, faster, and better equipped than the space marines. The 10000 custodes would be like having 10000 smaller primarchs.

Is Constantin Valdor a primarch?

A warrior of superlative skill, it was said that Valdor could match even a Primarch in single combat. Indeed, such was his might, that there were those, even in the Imperial Court, who called him a “Primarch” in all but name.

How strong are the emperor’s guards?

The Emperor’s Royal Guards were reputedly the most skilled warriors in the forces of the Galactic Empire; out of millions of soldiers, Emperor Palpatine’s guards were unsurpassed in skill and status. During the era of the Empire, the Royal Guard consisted of conscripts and at least one clone trooper.

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Can Imperial Guards use the force?

An added advantage to these guardsmen was the fact that they were Force-sensitive soldiers who were trained to use the dark side of the Force. The highest ranking position within the Royal Guard consisted of elite warriors that were Force-sensitive known as the Imperial Sovereign Protectors.

Who is the leader of the Custodes?

Trajann Valoris
Trajann Valoris is the current Chief Custodian and 17th Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodes, the elite bodyguard of the Emperor of Mankind, and perhaps the deadliest individual warrior in the entire Imperium.

How strong is Custodes?

Very strong. The Custodes are hand-crafted warriors, made by the Emperor himself. For example, Constantin Valdor, the first Custodes, was said to be almost as strong as a primarch. And that’s without all his fancy wargear.

Are GREY Knights custodes?

Lorewise the Grey Knights are a space marine chapter. They’re incredibly elite space marines who have been specially trained to fight demons. But they’re still just space marines. Custodes are the Emperor’s handmade bodyguards.


What can beat a custodes?

What can beat a custodes?

Many of the weapons which historically would do well against custodes are in the range of S6-8, Ap 1 or 2 with 2 or 3 (or d3) damage.

How strong are custodes in the lore?

Very strong. The Custodes are hand-crafted warriors, made by the Emperor himself. For example, Constantin Valdor, the first Custodes, was said to be almost as strong as a primarch. And that’s without all his fancy wargear.

How strong are the Legio custodes?

The Legio Custodes, though it kept its numerical strength of ten times that number, was reforged as the Adeptus Custodes before the time of the Second Founding, becoming castellans of the Imperial Palace whose sole and solemn duty was to protect the Emperor from final death.

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Are custodes good in 40k?

Among Warhammer 40k’s Space Marines and transhuman warriors, the Adeptus Custodes are the elite of the elite. As an Adeptus Custodes player, you’ll never be able to field a huge army; instead, you’ll usually have just a few models – but each and every one of them is an army unto itself.

Are custodes as strong as Primarchs?

They are made more like the primarchs than a space marine and are far stronger, faster, and better equipped than the space marines. The 10000 custodes would be like having 10000 smaller primarchs.

Are Custodes stronger than Primaris?

They are faster, stronger and tougher than a Primaris Space Marine, though the gap is perhaps slightly narrower than that of a regular Space Marine, given the aforementioned genetic upgrades. This is before the material superiority of the Custodes is considered.

Are Custodes as strong as Primarchs?

Are custodes stronger than space marines?

How do adeptus Custodes recruit?

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It is said that the first Custodes recruits were drawn from children of Terran nobility. The practice continues to this day, and all new initiates are drawn from infants among Terran nobles. New recruits are presented before the Avenue of Sacrifice outside the Ascensor’s Gate of the Imperial Palace.

Are GREY Knights Custodes?

Lorewise the Grey Knights are a space marine chapter. They’re incredibly elite space marines who have been specially trained to fight demons. But they’re still just space marines. Custodes are the Emperor’s handmade bodyguards.