
What can you do with raw cacao?

What can you do with raw cacao?

6 Easy Ways to Eat Raw Cacao Every Day

  1. Blend into a smoothie.
  2. Sprinkle raw cacao nibs on top of smoothies or smoothie bowls for some crunch.
  3. Add raw cacao nibs to trail mixes for some antioxidant-rich crunch!
  4. Whip Up Some Hot (or Cold) Chocolate “Mylk”
  5. Eat a Square of Pure Dark Chocolate.

What can I do with fresh cocoa pods?

You can suck on them to eat and enjoy the delicious, citrus-y pulp, or try to ferment them if you plan to make your own chocolate. You can also plant them to grow a cacao tree, or save them for another use (I’ve used them to make miso, an idea I picked up from a few doctors at Casa Mascia Apothecary in Belize).

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How do you eat raw cacao nibs?

How to Prepare Cacao Nibs

  1. Add cacao nibs to oatmeal, trail mixes, and granola.
  2. Use them in place of chocolate chips in cookie and brownie recipes.
  3. Add them to a smoothie.
  4. Use them as a topping for an ice cream sundae.
  5. Blend them into Mexican mole sauces.
  6. Eat them on their own as a quick snack.

How do you make cacao less bitter?

Cocoa powder is unsweetened. To combat its natural bitterness, many manufacturers produce “Dutch-processed” cocoas, adding an alkaline substance to reduce the naturally occurring acid. Another option is low-fat cocoa powders, but the process used to extract the fat typically accents the bitter overtones.

Are raw cacao nibs good for you?

Cacao nibs are a highly nutritious chocolate product made from crushed cocoa beans. They’re exceptionally rich in antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. Cocoa products like cacao nibs have been linked to reduced heart disease and diabetes risk, as well as other health benefits.

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How do you make cocoa juice?

In a glass half fill with cocoa fruit squash, powdered sugar sweetness, pinch of salt for taste, lemon slices for sourness. Later fill it with normal water and ice cubes. When you get cocoa fruit try this simple, healthy and awesome juice. Enjoy with loved ones.

What makes cocoa bitter?

The seeds of the cacao tree have an intense bitter taste and must be fermented to develop the flavor. After fermentation, the beans are dried, cleaned, and roasted. The shell is removed to produce cacao nibs, which are then ground to cocoa mass, unadulterated chocolate in rough form.