
What chapters does modern physics include?

What chapters does modern physics include?

The modern physics chapters for NEET examinations are:

  • Radioactive decay of substances.
  • Dual nature of light.
  • Nuclear physics: Fission and Fusion.
  • Bohr’s model of the atom and X-rays.

How many chapters are in modern physics?

It is only because of the chapter of Atomic Physics which alone has seen 33 questions in the previous 10 years making it the most important chapter of all time….JEE Physics Chapter-wise weightage of Modern Physics & Electronics 2020.

Chapters Weightage

What comes under modern physics in JEE mains?

It is necessary to have knowledge about the important topics for jee mains 2020 physics to score good marks….JEE Mains Physics Chapter wise weightage.

Name of topics Number of questions
Modern Physics 5
Current Electricity 3
Electrostatics 3
Thermodynamics 3

Which chapter comes under modern physics for NEET?

Today, we will be giving an overview of Physics chapter wise weightage for NEET Exam. The Physics Section carries a weightage of 25\% ie 45 questions from 180 questions will be from Physics….NEET 2019 Chapter-wise Weight of Optics & Modern Physics.

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Dual Nature of Radiation 35.3
Atoms & Nuclei 8.2

Who is called father of modern physics?

Galileo Galilei pioneered the experimental scientific method and was the first to use a refracting telescope to make important astronomical discoveries. He is often referred to as the “father of modern astronomy” and the “father of modern physics”.

Is Modern Physics difficult?

In jee mains , questions are asked from each and every topic but to be honest, Modern physics and optics weightage is almost 25–30\% or 8–9 questions. So you can score 32 to 36 marks hardly, honestly speaking as from previous records some questions are asked lengthy or little tough from these chapters. Yes, you can.

How many chapters are there in class 11 physics?

The Physics Syllabus for Class 11 consists of 10 units with 15 Total Chapters In Physics Class 11. These chapters focus on the fundamental concepts such as Laws of Motions, Gravity, Properties of Matter, and Thermodynamics.

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Is optics easy in Jee?

The problems that feature under this topic can be cracked very easily with due practice. Hence, a focused study of Optics for JEE Advanced will almost certainly fetch you those extra 10-12 marks which might eventually affect your All India Ranks!

Is Albert Einstein father of modern physics?

Albert Einstein was a 20th century scientist who came up with some of the most important ideas in modern physics, such as the theory of relativity and the famous equation E = mc2. Today Einstein is considered the father of modern physics.