
What could the US have done to win the Vietnam war?

What could the US have done to win the Vietnam war?

In an utterly banal sense, the United States could have won the Vietnam War by invading the North, seizing its urban centers, putting the whole of the country under the control of the Saigon government and waging a destructive counterinsurgency campaign for an unspecified number of years.

What strategy did the US take in order to defeat the Vietcong?

The USA’s tactics under President Johnson President Johnson ordered the bombing of strategic military targets in North Vietnam, including air raids on the capital city, Hanoi, and bases and supply routes for the Vietcong. This was code-named Operation Rolling Thunder.

Did the US technically win the Vietnam War?

In terms of body count, the U.S. and South Vietnam won a clear victory. In addition, just about every North Vietnamese offensive was crushed. Once the U.S. left, the North Vietnamese used their last ounce of strength to push into South Vietnam and win the war.

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In what way did the United States underestimate the Vietcong?

US History CH 22 Section 2

In what ways did the US underestimate the Vietcong? US thought they could wear them down with high casulaties, we saw a miliary struggle, they saw it as a fight for their existance

What were the US goals in Vietnam?

The goal of the American military effort was to buy time, gradually building up the strength of the South Vietnamese armed forces, and re-equipping it with modern weapons so that they could defend their nation on their own. This policy became the cornerstone of the so-called Nixon Doctrine.

What were some of the tactics that the American military used against the Vietcong?

Tunnel systems and traps These tunnel systems could hide thousands of Vietcong which helped them fight their guerrilla war. It would be the job of US ‘tunnel rats’ to search these tunnels. However, they were often booby-trapped with spikes and grenades.

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How did the United States lose the Vietnam War?

The Paris Peace Accords of January 1973 saw all U.S. forces withdrawn; the Case–Church Amendment, passed by the U.S. Congress on 15 August 1973, officially ended direct U.S. military involvement. The Peace Accords were broken almost immediately, and fighting continued for two more years.