
What data type is gender in SQL?

What data type is gender in SQL?

8 Answers. Per the standard, the column should be called “Sex” and the ‘closest’ data type would be tinyint with a CHECK constraint or lookup table as appropriate.

What type of data type is gender?

What is Categorical Data? Categorical data is a type of data that can be stored into groups or categories with the aid of names or labels. For example, gender is a categorical data because it can be categorized into male and female according to some unique qualities possessed by each gender.

How do you use gender in SQL?

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1 Answer

  1. Here is the syntax to create a gender column in SQL:
  2. Here we use CHECK constraint with GENDER column so that you cannot enter any entry other than Male or Female.
  3. If you want to add a gender column to an already existing table:

How do you store gender in SQL?

INSERT INTO static_gender VALUES (DEFAULT, ‘F’, ‘female’), (DEFAULT, ‘M’, ‘male’); That way you can expand the table as new values for gender become necessary. In your USER (or whatever) table, you store static_gender_id and get the value for the gender with a JOIN.

What datatype is used for gender mysql?

The ENUM data type allows you to specify a list of possible values that can be stored in a column. For example, a column specified as gender ENUM(‘male’, ‘female’) NOT NULL can have any of these values: ”, ‘male’ or ‘female’. You can specify up to a maximum of 65,535 distinct values in an ENUM list.

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What datatype is used for gender MySQL?

How do you create a gender field in a database?

You can use a FOREIGN KEY to a reference table with just 2 rows: CREATE TABLE Gender_Ref ( gender CHAR(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (gender) ) ENGINE = InnoDB ; INSERT INTO Gender_Ref (gender) VALUES (‘F’), (‘M’) ; CREATE TABLE members ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment.

What is a binary data type?

In statistics. In statistics, binary data is a statistical data type consisting of categorical data that can take exactly two possible values, such as “A” and “B”, or “heads” and “tails”.

What data type is best for gender?

Categorical data represents characteristics. Therefore it can represent things like a person’s gender, language etc. Categorical data can also take on numerical values (Example: 1 for female and 0 for male).

How do you write a check constraint in SQL for gender?

CREATE TABLE pets( ID INT NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, Breed VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, Age INT, GENDER VARCHAR(9), PRIMARY KEY(ID), check(GENDER in (‘Male’, ‘Female’, ‘Unknown’)) ); Note: The check constraint in the above SQL command restricts the GENDER to belong to only the categories specified.