
What did Elon say about bitcoin?

What did Elon say about bitcoin?

Mr. Musk said that with his personal holding in bitcoin, he is financially affected when the price drops. “I might pump, but I don’t dump,” he said on a panel about bitcoin. “I definitely do not believe in getting the price high and selling or anything like that.”

How does bitcoin ruin the environment?

Consequently, the Bitcoin mining industry would be pumping 1.3 billion MW of electricity a year — and the network is currently estimated to emit 475 grams of CO2 for each megawatt of power deployed. If that were to hold true, Bitcoin at $500,000 would be emitting 617 million metric tons of carbon a year.

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How does Bitcoin have a carbon footprint?

The result: Bitcoin deploys an incredible 707 kWh of electricity per transaction, 11 times as much as Ethereum, and emits 1,061 pounds, or half a ton, of CO2 every time you tap the app to buy a latte or zap a fraction to a buddy who beat you on a golf bet.

Is Elon Musk involved in Bitcoin?

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Says He Personally Owns Bitcoin—and So Does SpaceX.

Is Bitcoin environmentally sustainable?

Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency. Indeed, many more eco-friendly cryptos offer the benefits of blockchain at a significantly reduced environmental cost. Bitcoin’s little sister, Ethereum (ETH), is in the process of moving to a more sustainable mining model.

Why is Bitcoin good for the environment?

Burning some of the surplus electricity to mine Bitcoin would offset the cost of running renewable energy sources, making them even more efficient. In order to make Bitcoin work, you need electricity, computers, and the internet. That’s it. Bitcoin allows users to replace major use-cases of banks with their phones.

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Does Bitcoin cause climate change?

Globally, Bitcoin’s power consumption has dire implications for climate change and achieving the goals of the Paris Accord because it translates into an estimated 22 to 22.9 million metric tons of CO2 emissions each year—equivalent to the CO2 emissions from the energy use of 2.6 to 2.7 billion homes for one year.

Will Elon Musk’s U-turn on Bitcoin impact Tesla?

Elon Musk has performed a sudden U-turn on bitcoin over concerns about its energy usage, and says his electric car firm Tesla will no longer accept the cryptocurrency as payment – but will his decision have an impact, and could Tesla turn to an alternative currency?

Why did Elon Musk ban cryptocurrency mining?

The main reason that he has stated for taking such a decision is the ill effects caused by cryptocurrency mining using non-renewable fuels, especially coal, on the environment, which furthers climate change. Elon Musk has made it clear that he would accept payment in cryptocurrency only when it is mined using Clean Energy forms.

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What is Elon Musk doing with Dogecoin?

Bitcoin isn’t the only cryptocurrency that Musk’s businesses are involved with. SpaceX, one of his other companies, is reportedly already accepting Dogecoin for satellite launches, although his reference to the currency as a “hustle” during his 8 May appearance on Saturday Night Live sent the price down by 35 per cent.

How much did Elon Musk’s tweet really cost the crypto market?

The price of ethereum fell about 12\%, or $500, to around $3,700, as of late Thursday. In all, Musk’s single tweet erased as much as $365 billion in value from the cryptocurrency market, according to CNBC’s calculations.