
What did Europeans want from Africa during imperialism?

What did Europeans want from Africa during imperialism?

Colonial rule refers to the conquest and capture of foreign territories in order to expand power. Colonisation of African countries by European powers, like Britain and France was used to protect their trade ambitions and led to exploitation of Africa.

How does imperialism affect African peoples?

Imperialism disrupted traditional African ways of life, political organization, and social norms. European imperialism turned subsistence farming into large-scale commodity exports and patriarchal social structures into European-dominated hierarchies and imposed Christianity and Western ideals.

Who resisted imperialism in Africa?

2. Who resisted imperialism in Africa, and what were the results? Some African Tribes resisted imperialism such as Algerians and Ethiopians. Ethiopians succeeded by maintaining its central position by using a cunning dialogue.

How did imperialism help Africa?

The growth of the African population was aided by the Western medicine introduced by Europeans. Africans were introduced to formal education by Europeans. They also improved the African infrastructure with the addition of road systems, railroads, water, electricity, and communication systems.

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What are examples of resistance to imperialism?

New states resisted empires. In the Balkans (southeastern Europe) new nation-states, such as Greece and Romania, broke away from the Ottoman Empire. In Africa, the Sokoto Caliphate (West Africa) and the Zulu nation (Southern Africa) formed in resistance British Expansion.

How did Ethiopia resist imperialism?

On the first day of March 124 years ago, traditional warriors, farmers and pastoralists as well as women defeated a well-armed Italian army in the northern town of Adwa in Ethiopia. The outcome of this battle ensured Ethiopia’s independence, making it the only African country never to be colonized.

Was imperialism positive or negative for Africa?

POSITIVE IMPACTS OF EUROPEAN IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA Another positive impact of European imperialism in Africa was the construction of major infrastructure projects. This helped lead to a higher production of food for the continent and gave some Africans new skills that were beneficial.