
What did George Lucas think of the EU?

What did George Lucas think of the EU?

He didn’t have anything against the EU and he was happy to occasionally pull from it when something looked cool or he wanted a name, but contradicting it was never even a question in his mind. As far as George was concerned, those stories were Legends long before they were officially branded that.

Why did Disney make Star Wars EU non canon?

To prevent the planned sequel trilogy from being beholden to and restrained by the plotlines of the Expanded Universe works, the choice was made to discard that continuity. On April 25, 2014, Lucasfilm rebranded the Expanded Universe material as Star Wars Legends and declared it non-canonical to the franchise.

What did George Lucas think about Spaceballs?

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George Lucas read the script and loved it. He was very supportive of the movie. His only stipulation was that there could be no Spaceballs merchandise sold from the movie.

Is Star Wars legends written by George Lucas?

This and the next film are notable for having their stories written by Lucas himself, one of his few contributions to non-theatrical Star Wars productions, other than his obvious sanctioning of them.

Did Legends used to be canon?

Canon is anything related to the movies. Legends are spinoffs of canon. The original and prequel trilogies are both because those are the baseline.

Why did George Lucas allow Spaceballs?

Although he prevented Brooks from merchandising the film, Lucas embraced Spaceballs fully. “His company ILM did all the space effects and postproduction for us. And he was so complimentary about the picture. He said, ‘Take out the comedy and it really works as an adventure.

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Did George Lucas approve Spaceballs?

Brooks secured Lucas’ permission before making the movie, and Lucas gave it the greenlight with one condition: Brooks couldn’t merchandise Spaceballs, because his action figures would look too similar to the authentic Star Wars ones. According to JoBlo, Brooks said that Lucas “was so complimentary about [Spaceballs].

Does George Lucas hate legends?

He never truly regarded the old EU (now Legends) as the same canon that he made in his films. From the Wookieepedia[1] : The only thing that mattered in George’s eyes were his films and the television shows like Star Wars: The Clone Wars.