
What did Harry and Ron find out from Malfoy when they were disguised?

What did Harry and Ron find out from Malfoy when they were disguised?

Home Events Harry and Ron use Polyjuice Potion to “become” Crabbe and Goyle. “… Disguised as Crabbe and Goyle, Ron and Harry quiz Draco Malfoy and find he has nothing to do with the Chamber of Secrets. Upon returning to the girls’ bathroom they find Hermione has taken on cat features.

Did Malfoy care about Crabbe and Goyle?

These two quotes seem to indicate Draco was never friends with Crabbe and Goyle, and that they only obeyed him because of his families name and status, once that name and status was gone then Crabbe and Goyle’s loyalty was gone as well.

What was Draco Malfoy supposed to say instead of I didn’t know you could read?

Draco Malfoy’s line “I didn’t know you could read” to Goyle was improvised by Felton. 27.

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What line did Tom Felton forget in Chamber of Secrets?

I didn’t know you could read
Trivia (151) Tom Felton forgot his line when Draco sees Harry disguised as Goyle, so he improvised “I didn’t know you could read”.

Did Ron turn into Crabbe or Goyle?

List of Polyjuice transformations

Disguised individual Assumed identity Date
Ron Weasley Vincent Crabbe 1992
Hermione Granger Humanoid cat
Bartemius Crouch Junior Alastor Moody 1994-1995
Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle Numerous disguises 1996-1997

Does Harry turn into Crabbe or Goyle?

3 – That time Hermione got herself a tail… Harry and Ron changed into Crabbe and Goyle, but unfortunately the hair that Hermione had taken from Millicent Bulstrode’s robes actually belonged to her cat. Given Polyjuice Potion isn’t supposed to be used for animal transformations, Hermione had a rather furry surprise…

Did Draco know Crabbe and Goyle before Hogwarts?

Draco Malfoy showed up on the Hogwarts Express in September of 1991 with Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle in tow. The length of their acquaintance prior to that time is unknown, but this was the start of Draco’s gang while at Hogwarts.

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Are Draco and Harry friends?

Despite being enemies throughout their years at Hogwarts, as adults Draco and Harry made their peace with one another. They had matured enough to understand one another and there was no longer any reason for animosity between them. While peace is one thing, friendship is another.

What was Draco’s original line in Chamber of Secrets?

Draco Malfoy’s funniest line was improvised by Tom Felton. Tom made up the line, “I didn’t know you could read” (which he said to Harry when he looked like Goyle because of the polyjuice potion) on the spot because he’d forgotten his line. 15. Hugh Grant was originally cast as Gilderoy Lockhart.

What was improvised in Harry Potter?

Isaacs improvised Lucius’s sneering response: “Let us hope that Mr. Potter will always be around to save the day.” Daniel Radcliffe then improvised Harry’s reply: “Don’t worry – I will be.”

When did Harry and Ron turn into Crabbe and Goyle?

List of Polyjuice transformations

Disguised individual Assumed identity Date
Jacob’s sibling Patricia Rakepick 1989–1990 school year
Harry Potter Gregory Goyle 1992
Ron Weasley Vincent Crabbe
Hermione Granger Humanoid cat

Why didn’t Harry Potter tell on Lucius Malfoy in the movies?

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In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, why didn’t Harry Potter tell on Lucius Malfoy? I mean that he is in fact Death Eater. He did, but the scene wasn’t included in the movie.

Was Draco Malfoy meant to be evil?

Although Lord Voldemort was the ultimate evil of the Harry Potter series, it’s clear that Draco Malfoy, Harry’s school rival and the constant bully of nearly every student at Hogwarts, was meant to be one of Harry’s biggest and most consistent adversaries in the series.

Why does Malfoy hate Potter?

Malfoy was a product of his upbringing and felt like Potter disrespected him by not being friends. “Being raised by either the Malfoys or the Dursleys would be a very damaging experience, and Draco undergoes dreadful trials as a direct result of his family’s misguided principles.

How did JK Rowling feel about Draco Malfoy?

“Family gatherings were often fraught with tension,” Rowling adds about when Draco would get together with his parents Narcissa and Lucius. In the end, Rowling said she actually felt “pity [for] Draco.” Malfoy was a product of his upbringing and felt like Potter disrespected him by not being friends.