
What do I need to open a APKG file?

What do I need to open a APKG file?

How do I open an APKG file?

  1. Open Anki and select the Import File button.
  2. Browse to your APKG file and select Open.
  3. Your new flashcard deck will appear in Anki, where you can select it to begin studying.

How do I open Anki deck on Mac?

Go to Launchpad and click on ANKI icon or search for ANKI app using search bar in the top (for Mac users). Go to Programs and find ANKI icon.

How do I convert APKG files?

Here are the steps to convert the archive into APKG file(s) using ezyZip:

  1. Click “Select zip file to convert” to open file chooser. It will list all the APKG files in the ZIP archive.
  2. Click the green “Save” button to save individual apkg file to your local drive.
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What is an APKG file?

A file with . apkg extension is a deck of flashcards generated to be used in Anki software application which is a flashcard-based learning program. It contains HTML text to be loaded and displayed in Anki application and can additionally have images and sounds for visual and audible learning.

How do I convert Anki deck to PDF?

Quick Start

  1. Install the plugin.
  2. Restart Anki.
  3. Go to a carddeck, which should be exported.
  4. Select Tools->Export to papercards.
  5. Print the exported file.

How do I access my Anki deck?

How to Download a Shared Deck

  1. Start Anki. On the menu, do: File -> Download -> Shared Deck …
  2. Enter keywords in the search box. Let’s say you’re learning Swahili.
  3. Review the deck information.
  4. Check the size in the meta info.
  5. Press OK to download the deck.
  6. Scan the deck for viruses (optional)

Can you download Anki on Macbook?

From images to scientific markup, Anki has got you covered. Review on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, and any device with a web browser. Only practice the material that you’re about to forget.

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How do I convert files to Anki?


  1. Save LibreOffice as a html file (web page)
  2. Go to the main tool bar and click => Tools > Import list into Anki cards.
  3. Select your saved file and click ok!

How do I export Anki deck Mac?

Exporting allows you to save part of your collection as a text file or packaged Anki deck. To export, click the File menu and choose ‘Export’.

Can you download Anki decks?

You can download these decks, and skip the hassle of typing up your own cards. Language vocabulary is especially popular. Downloading a shared deck is easy. Instead of searching on the Anki website, you download decks from within Anki itself.

Can you get Anki on Mac?