
What do you do with too much eggnog?

What do you do with too much eggnog?

10 Uses for Leftover Eggnog

  1. Eggnog Oatmeal. Even plain old-fashioned rolled oats can feel Christmas-morning festive when you make them with warmed eggnog instead of water.
  2. Eggnog Ice Cubes.
  3. Eggnog French Toast.
  4. Eggnog Latte.
  5. Eggnog Biscuits.
  6. Eggnog Rice Pudding or Risotto.
  7. Eggnog White Russian.
  8. Eggnog Icing.

Why is eggnog so bad for you?

Eggnog has always been a fatty drink suspect. It’s too thick and delicious to be healthy. Just one cup of store-bought eggnog has 350 calories and 149 mg of cholesterol. That’s as much cholesterol as in two double cheeseburgers, two fries, and two soft drinks.

Can you freeze eggnog?

Eggnog may be frozen for up to six months. For best results, freeze eggnog in a container with a little extra room (about 1/2-inch of space from the top) to allow for expansion during freezing. Frozen egg nog should be good for about 6 months, whether it is store bought or home made.

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How long does eggnog last in the fridge?

How long does each type of eggnog last? Homemade eggnog typically lasts 2-3 days if stored in 40 degrees or less under the proper conditions. Store-bought eggnog lasts 5-7 days within opening if it has been refrigerated. Canned eggnog lasts 4 to 5 months and around 5-7 days after opening.

Can you add eggnog to coffee?

Eggnog Coffee is a great holiday treat and a way to use leftover eggnog. Place coffee and nutmeg in filter in brew basket of coffee maker. When brewing is complete, stir in eggnog. Pour into 4 cups; top with COOL WHIP.

Can you use eggnog instead of milk?

Yes, you can use eggnog in baking, substituting it directly for buttermilk or milk in many recipes. That said, in the vast majority of cases, eggnog can be substituted 1:1 for milk, buttermilk and cream in baking recipes.

What do you mix with store bought eggnog?

While brandy is the most traditional alcohol to add in for eggnog, according to traditional recipes, you can also use a mixture of dark rum and Cognac. If you like your eggnog a little more boozy, you can also add bourbon, but we recommend sticking to rum and Cognac to preserve the ‘nog’s flavors.

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Which brand of eggnog is the best?

In this ranking, we’ll separate the good eggnog from the bad — beginning with the worst of all.

  1. Southern Comfort Vanilla Spice Egg Nog.
  2. Trader Joe’s Egg Nog.
  3. Ronnybrook Egg Nog.
  4. Hood Golden Eggnog.
  5. Organic Valley Egg Nog.
  6. So Delicious Coconutmilk Holiday Nog.
  7. Horizon Organic Low-Fat Egg Nog.
  8. Turkey Hill Premium Egg Nog.

How do you preserve eggnog?

You can help eggnog keep fresh longer by keeping it away from light and by placing it in the back of your refrigerator immediately after use. Store eggnog on an interior refrigerator shelf rather than in the door, where the temperature fluctuates with frequent opening.

Can you freeze eggnog in a plastic container?

Eggnog is easy to freeze, and once thawed, all you need to do is whisk it all together again and serve hot or cold. Frozen eggnog is also great to use in dessert recipes, so having a frozen batch on hand will help to make up some delicious desserts, especially when eggnog is not in season.

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What is the best alcohol to add to eggnog?

Eggnog is typically made with rum, brandy or bourbon, and Brown likes to start with a combination of dark rum and cognac. But there’s no need to go premium; he recommends using an affordable, high-proof VS cognac. The higher alcohol level will cut through the sweetness of the rest of the ingredients.

Do you have to refrigerate alcoholic eggnog?

Bottled egg nog with alcohol already in it does not need to be refrigerated until the bottle has been opened.