
What does a PSE mail clerk do?

What does a PSE mail clerk do?

PSE Mail Processing Clerks perform a variety of clerical duties in mail processing and retail/customer services to support day to day operations. Duties are physically demanding requiring moderate to heavy lifting, carrying, prolonged standing, walking and reaching.

How many hours a week does a PSE mail processing clerk work?

As a PSE, you are expected to work over 8 hours just about every day, no exceptions, especially on holidays. You end up doing the most physically demanding tasks that career employees don’t necessarily want to perform. You can also expect to be moved from one shift to another, with only a one day prior notice.

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What’s a PSE at the post office?

Postal Support Employees
Postal Support Employees (PSEs) are hired for a term not to exceed 360 calendar days per appointment. The PSE workforce is comprised of employees who don’t yet have career appointments but who enjoy union representation and negotiated rights.

Do PSE mail processing clerks wear uniforms?

The Postal Service has authorized uniforms for mail handlers, custodial maintenance, vehicle maintenance employees, and certain full-time employees in the Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) in CAG A–J post offices who meet certain criteria.

What is the passing score for PSE mail processing clerk?

The passing score for any of the four Postal Exams is 70, and any score above that is considered good. If you see an ineligible status instead of a score, this means you haven’t managed to reach the minimum score of 70.

How often do PSE get a raise?

Since PSEs do not receive COLAs, they receive larger annual general increases: 2.3\% effective November 24, 2018 (retroactive)

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Does PSE work overnight?

8-10 hours. You are not guaranteed until you become a regular employee. Night shift is typical hours if you work in the plant I work 5:30pm to 5am tour 3 heavy mail days consists of 10 hour days, and on light days I’m off by 2am.

Do PSE clerks get raises?

The five pay increases the PSEs receive included three general increases of 2.3\%, 2.1\%, 2.0\%, and two additional increases of 20 cents each (PSEs do not receive COLA). Overall, a Level 6 PSE received a total of $2.07 per hour during the current contract. Any future pay increases will be based on the next contract.

What is a good score on the postal exam 474?

What is a good score on the 474 Postal Exam? The minimum passing score on the 474 postal exam is 70. A good score is subjective – but the higher your score, the more chance you have of being hired. A high score will also help to fast-track your application, meaning you will be able to start work more quickly.

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How much do PSE make a year?

PSE Clerk Salary in California

Annual Salary Weekly Pay
Top Earners $46,205 $888
75th Percentile $35,391 $680
Average $39,336 $756
25th Percentile $29,493 $567

What holidays do postal PSE get paid for?

PSEs receive the following 6 paid holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.