
What does Hima stand for?

What does Hima stand for?


Acronym Definition
HIMA Health Industry Manufacturers Association
HIMA Health Information Management Association
HIMA Houston Interactive Marketing Association (Houston, TX)
HIMA Hellenic Institute of Marine Archaeology (Athens, Greece)

What is Hema in Sanskrit?

Meaning Golden
Country India

Which acronym means iron?


Acronym Definition
IRON Internal Robustness (computer file systems)
IRON Independent Root Operator’s Network
IRON International Rice Observational Nursery
IRON Independent Republic of Orange Nations (online gaming)

What does Toma mean medical?


Acronym Definition
TOMA Texas Osteopathic Medical Association
TOMA Texas Open Meetings Act
TOMA Training Operations Management Activity (Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff – Training; TRADOC, US Army)
TOMA Traditional Oriental Martial Arts

What is Hima in Islam?

A hima is a reserved pasture, where trees and grazing lands are protected from indiscriminate harvest on a temporary or permanent basis. It existed in the Middle East before Islam; but it was treated as a private reserve for powerful chieftains who were said to have used it as a tool of oppression.

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How do you pronounce Hima?

  1. Phonetic spelling of hima. hima. H-ih-m-ah. HHIY-Maa.
  2. Meanings for hima. A unisex name that is of Indian origin.
  3. Examples of in a sentence. ‘Hima’s detention prima facie illegal’ Sports medicine federation’s letter reveals how India mismanaged Hima Das and Dipa Karmakar injuries.
  4. Translations of hima. Hindi : हिमा

What is the Telugu meaning of Hema?

Hema is Telugu girl name which means “Gold; Golden”.

What is full form of RN?

Meaning of RN in English a registered nurse ; also used after the name of a registered nurse: An RN makes about $30 an hour in this city.

What is medical term HEPA?

HEPA: Acronym that stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air and for High-Efficiency Particulate Arrestor. HEPA filters are used for isolation and immunocompromise units, operating rooms, removal of allergens from the air (for hay fever, asthma, etc.)