
What does Pataka mean?

What does Pataka mean?

noun. A Maori storehouse for food, raised off the ground on posts to protect it from animals.

What does Pataka mean in India?

Pataka. An attractive girl is referred to as a pataka, a word whose literal translation is fireworks. Some women consider the word as being somewhat offensive. But it’s fine to use it in jest or among close friends who know you’re complimenting the person rather than catcalling.

What does Pataka mean in Sanskrit?

patAkA (kA) 1. f. A flag or banner; flagstaff; a sign; good fortune.

What is the meaning of Diwali pataka?

/paṭākhā/ mn. firework countable noun. Fireworks are small objects that are lit to entertain people on special occasions.

How do you say Pataka?

Starts here0:09How to Pronounce pataka – American English – YouTubeYouTube

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Why was Pataka built?

Pātaka are storehouses for food or valuables. Customarily they were built close to a leading chief’s dwelling in a village. They can be intricately carved, often with symbols of plenty such as whales.

What does it mean when someone is a firecracker?

According to American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, firecracker: Slang A spirited, quick-tempered, or rambunctious person.

What do we say cracker in Sanskrit?

अन्यतम this is your answer .

What is Mithai called in Sanskrit?

Names of Sweets in Sanskrit | Learn Sanskrit

English Laddu
Sanskrit लड्डुकः
IAST transliteration laḍḍukam
Hindi लड्डू

What we call Anar cracker in English?

Anaar (Flowerpots) Chakhri (Ground spinner) Rocket.

Is Fireworks Banned in India?

As India prepares to celebrate Diwali, states and union territories have issued directives restricting the use of firecrackers in accordance with Supreme Court (SC) orders. It further clarified that there is no complete ban on firecrackers and only those which contain barium salts were prohibited.

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What does potaka mean in Maori?

weather, heaven, day, melody, music. More Maori Translations. pōtae tawhito. pōtae ongo’i. pōtae māti.