
What does peeves stand for?

What does peeves stand for?

1. A vexation; a grievance: My pet peeve is when people chew gum during a lecture. 2. A resentful mood: in a peeve about the delays. [Back-formation from peevish.]

What do the British call pet peeves?

Looking at the green and red lines, we can also confirm that British speakers use pet hate more than they use pet peeve—but not by that much; it’s about a 3-to-2 ratio. Furthermore, until the 1940s, pet hate was almost as popular as pet peeve in American English.

What is your pet peeve and why?

A pet peeve is a particular thing that bugs you every time. If your pet peeve is how people misuse words, you’re in the right place. If something like that drives you crazy and you have to yap about it, it’s a pet peeve. Pet peeves tend to be smaller issues.

What is another term for pet peeve?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pet-peeve, like: bugbear, bete noire, complaint, grievance, groan, peeve, pet aversion, hateful object and personal vexation.

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What are your pet hates?

60 Pet Peeves That Annoy People

  • Micro-Management. Most people don’t like it being insinuated that they can’t do their work well.
  • Loud Chewing Or Drinking.
  • Being Late.
  • Interrupting.
  • Talking During A Movie.
  • People Who Walk Slow.
  • Staring At Someone’s Phone.
  • Clipping Your Nails In Public.

What are the worst pet peeves?

The 70 Worst Pet Peeves Practically Everyone Finds Annoying

  1. People who have to one-up every story.
  2. Sidewalk hogs.
  3. Delivery food that spills in the bag.
  4. Trying to find things in someone else’s kitchen.
  5. Crowding the airport gate.
  6. Spitting on the sidewalk.
  7. Having a big job dropped in your lap at the end of the day (or week)

What is my pet peeve?

A pet peeve is a particular thing that bugs you every time. If your pet peeve is how people misuse words, you’re in the right place. A peeve is an annoyance, and a pet peeve is an annoyance that’s nurtured like a pet — it’s something someone can never resist complaining about.

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What is the opposite of a pet peeve?

Given that a pet peeve is something that annoys or bothers a person very much, i.e., is something one dislikes strongly, it would seem that soft spot is an appropriate antonym. Merriam-Webster now defines it as “a sentimental weakness”, which is what I learned from encountering it in day-to-day use.