
What does SAI mean in Twenty One Pilots?

What does SAI mean in Twenty One Pilots?

“Scaled and Icy” is an anagram of “Clancy is dead.” This new album title was associated with Twenty One Pilots’ December 2020 standalone Christmas single titled “Christmas Saves the Year”, the thumbnail of which had a hidden message which read “Sai Is Propaganda” (SAI in this case, many people believed, meaning Scaled …

What does SAI propaganda mean?

In the video for their Christmas single Christmas Saves The Year, there’s a part showing the phrase “SAI is propaganda.” Fans now understand that SAI is the abbreviation for Scaled And Icy which seems to be a very obvious statement that this album is propaganda is someway.

Is Scaled and Icy an anagram?

Fans have also discovered that “Scaled and Icy” is an anagram for “Clancy is dead.” If Clancy was the foil to Blurryface and an ally to Joseph, then it appears that Joseph has finally been defeated by Nico.

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What does Scaled and Icy stand for?

scaled back and isolated
“It really represents how we found ourselves this last year,” Joseph added, as he explained that the album’s title Scaled and Icy is short for “scaled back and isolated”.

Who is Nico in trench?

Nicolas Bourbaki
Trench’s city, Dema, is ruled by nine “bishops”, whose names are Nico (full name Nicolas Bourbaki, based on a collective pseudonym of a group of mainly French mathematicians), Andre, Lisden, Keons, Reisdro, Sacarver, Nills, Vetomo, and Listo.

What is Dema a metaphor for?

The entirety of the city of Dema is a metaphor for mental illness, while its high walls exemplify the complexity of conquering depression. Clancy might be a representation of Tyler because of his own struggles with mental illness as well as his desire to save others from the grip of depression.

When did shy away come out?

Shy Away/Released

Is Scaled and Icy real?

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The album’s marketing helped to build how Scaled and Icy fits within DEMA, a fictitious world built by Twenty One Pilots. Starting with Blurryface in 2015, the band released many cryptic clues, puzzles, and songs with hints in their lyrics to introduce DEMA.