
What does the architect tell Neo?

What does the architect tell Neo?

The Architect reveals to Neo that his job is no less than to be a kind of UV light for the Machine’s bugzapper- the One appears, is heralded as being a savior that the humans flock to or await his coming, and when the humans grow too numerous they’re all in one place to be culled.

Why does the architect rebuild Zion?

Zion exists because the machines need it to survive As the Architect (the program responsible for designing the Matrix) explains in The Matrix Reloaded, all of the series’ events up until the present storyline have been orchestrated. In reality, Zion could have been destroyed much sooner.

How many times did the machines destroy Zion?

Zion, according to the Architect, has been completely destroyed five times by the time of the sixth One, Neo, meets the Architect. As a result, the actual year on Earth is estimated to be closer to 2699, not 2199.

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What does the architect represent in the Matrix?

The Architect is a highly specialized, humorless program of the Machine world as well as the creator of the Matrix. As the chief administrator of the system, he is possibly a collective manifestation, or at the very least a virtual representation of the entire Machine mainframe.

What choices did the architect give Neo?

The Architect then finally gives Neo the two choices. Neo could take the door on his right, which would take him to the Source, or he could take the door on the left, and try to save Trinity, but at the cost of the entire Human race.

Who built Zion?

Zion, in the Old Testament, the easternmost of the two hills of ancient Jerusalem. It was the site of the Jebusite city captured by David, king of Israel and Judah, in the 10th century bc (2 Samuel 5:6–9) and established by him as his royal capital.

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How did Neo win in the Matrix?

People who saw The Matrix couldn’t be faulted for expecting an ending that saw Neo winning by doing his Superman thing, fatally punching the machines to the kickass strains of Rob Zombie’s “Dragula.” Instead, Neo triumphed by becoming a bridge between man and machine, sacrificing his own life for the sake of securing …

How is Neo alive?

Neo is revived by the machines In the Matrix Online, the player is informed that Neo’s Residual Self-Image is recoverable. Later in the game, it’s revealed that the Machines never returned Neo or Trinity’s bodies after the characters perished in the film.