
What does the British term gutted mean?

What does the British term gutted mean?

Gutted. This is a very expressive adjective that actually sounds like what it means. Try saying the word out loud in a phrase: “I am gutted.” Does that sound like a positive statement? If you answered “no”, then your instincts were right, because being gutted means you’re very disappointed or upset about something.

Is gormless a Scottish word?

Gaumless comes from the Scottish and Northern English word gaum, meaning “attention.” That means someone who’s considered gormless is definitely not a person who’s known for paying close attention to things. Writers in the 1800s and into the 1900s associated the word with the Northern English dialect.

What is a gormless look?

stupid and slow to understand: He looks really gormless. Stupid and silly.

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How do you use the word gormless?

Gormless in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The doofus sat in the corner with gormless expression on his face and a dunce cap on his head.
  2. The gormless criminal was too dumb to remember to put on gloves before breaking into the home.
  3. Trying to act intelligent, it was easy to see that the bully was really a gormless idiot.

What does a kip mean?

Kip is sleep. If you kip somewhere, usually somewhere that is not your own home or bed, you sleep there.

Is gormless offensive?

A clumsy person may be called gormless too. This slang is common British slang. This is obviously a negative expression and is mildly offensive.

What is a synonym for gormless?

inexperienced, naive, slow, stupid, dull. gormlessadjective. Lacking intelligence, sense or discernment, often implying lack of capacity of will to remedy the condition. Synonyms: stupid, inexperienced, naive, dull, slow.

What does your fit mean in England?

1. Fit (adj) So, in the UK fit doesn’t just mean that you go to the gym a lot. Fit is a way of saying that a person is attractive, or sexy. E.g. “That guy is sooo fit.

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Can you say gormless?

Break ‘gormless’ down into sounds: [GAWM] + [LUHS] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying ‘gormless’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.