
What does the Ericsson cycle do?

What does the Ericsson cycle do?

Ericsson cycle is a thermodynamic cycle upon which an Ericsson Engine works. Ericsson engine is a closed cycle regenerative heat engine. It works on either air or any other gas. Ericsson cycle is invented by John Ericsson.

What is Stirling cycle process?

2.2 Stirling Cycle. A Stirling cycle engine is a closed cycle regenerative heat engine that operates by cyclically compressing and expanding a gaseous working fluid at different temperatures such that there is a net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work.

Where is Stirling cycle used?

Marine engines The Stirling engine could be well suited for underwater power systems where electrical work or mechanical power is required on an intermittent or continuous level. General Motors has undertaken work on advanced Stirling cycle engines which include thermal storage for underwater applications.

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Which of the following is the common processes for the Stirling cycle & Ericsson cycle?

Explanation: The Ericsson cycle consists of two isothermal and two constant pressure processes while the Stirling cycle consists of two isothermal and two constant volume processes.

Is the Ericsson cycle totally reversible?

The ideal Otto and Diesel cycles are not totally reversible because they involve heat transfer through a finite temperature difference during the irreversible isochoric/isobaric heat-addition and isochoric heat-rejection processes.

Is the Ericsson cycle reversible?

Ericsson Cycle was invented by Ericsson, which consists of two isothermal and two constant pressure processes. It is made thermodynamically reversible by the action of a regenerator.

What is the regenerative part of the Stirling cycle?

During the regeneration process heat is transferred to a thermal storage device (regenerator) during one part and is transferred back to the working fluid in another part of the cycle. The regenerator can be a wire or a ceramic mesh or any kind of porous plug with a high thermal mass (mass times specific heat).

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What can you do with a Stirling engine?

Stirling engines are energy conversion devices that may be used as prime movers, refrigerating engines or heat pumps. Currently they are used commercially as cryogenic cooling systems and are under development as low noise, low emission automotive engines.