
What happened to INRIX?

What happened to INRIX?

Inrix now shows the following on iOS app “Thank you for being a valuable user of the INRIX Traffic app. After more than 10 years of guiding millions of drivers all around the world, we have decided to decommission INRIX Traffic on April 28, 2021.”

What does INRIX do?

What does INRIX do? Officially, we are the world’s largest traffic intelligence network but we see ourselves as an analytics and big data company. INRIX gathers traffic information from around 100 million connected vehicles travelling the roads in 32 countries around the world.

What is INRIX ParkMe?

Inrix Buys ParkMe To Add Smart Parking Services To Its Real Time Traffic Data. It has bought ParkMe, a startup out of Santa Monica that offers “smart parking” services to users, including finding and reserving parking spaces and paying for them by mobile.

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How much does inrix data cost?

INRIX: Congestion Costs Each American 97 hours, $1,348 A Year – INRIX.

Is inrix app free?

This GPS app learns your habits to become an on-road personal assistant. On March 30, the company branched out with the launch of a free app, INRIX Traffic, which uses machine-learning to understand the driver’s habits and interests and plan each route accordingly.

Is inrix traffic free?

With OSM, INRIX is able to offer a highly accurate map and turn-by-turn navigation at no cost to the user and without advertisements.

Is ParkMe accurate?

Among the core data attributes for parking, ParkMe was found to be the “clear winner” in terms of accuracy, including pricing information (91\% versus 81\%), correct parking lot operating hours (87\% versus 83\%) and specific entrance lot locations (97\% to 74\%).

How do you use the best parking app?

Search for a parking spot where and when you need it. Enter your destination by address, landmark name or neighborhood to see available spaces nearby. Compare prices up-front at thousands of garages and lots. Pick the best option for you and save money.

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How many extra hours do American drivers spend on average in the car every year due to traffic congestion?

Traffic delays fell nearly 50 percent in major cities across the U.S. The average American driver spent 26 hours in traffic jams in 2020, a drop of 73 hours from just a year earlier.

What app is like inrix?

The best alternative is Google Maps, which is free. Other great apps like INRIX Traffic are Waze (Free), Apple Maps (Free), Ride Aware (Paid) and ESCORT Live!

Why is inrix not showing traffic?

If you have issues with INRIX Traffic resolving your current location or feel that INRIX Traffic is not learning your places, your device location settings may not be correct. Check to see if the location services are on, then check the INRIX app to ensure it has access to your location services.