
What happened to Joe Henry?

What happened to Joe Henry?

In May 2019 Joe Henry revealed that a few months earlier he was diagnosed with stage four prostate cancer. He further advised that he has responded well to the treatment he has received, and that his prognosis for now is very encouraging.

How is Joe Henry related to Madonna?

There’s a connection here, of course; Madonna is Henry’s sister-in-law, and his wife sent her the track — which Henry originally wrote for The Sopranos (it wasn’t used) — thinking it would be something that might be good for Rocco’s mom. …

Why is older music better than new music?

In recent years, old music has sold better than new. There’s a psychological reason for it: Familiar music actually feels better to audiences. In numerous scientific experiments, researchers have shown that subjects are much more likely to report positive feelings from a given piece of music if they’ve heard it before.

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Is doing covers of a song illegal?

Anyone can cover anyone else’s song, and its creator cannot say no (that’s the compulsory part). But if you do cover a song, you must pay a royalty to the song’s creator (that’s the licensing part). The article covers the history of the most common kind of license you’ll need to release a cover: the mechanical license.

Is Henry Joes baby?

In the new batch of episodes, we catch up with Joe and Love in their new suburban paradise, Madre Linda. The couple are now married and have a young baby named Henry to care for.

What genre is Joe Henry?

A gifted songwriter and vocalist whose intimate, richly detailed songs have been shaped by his eclectic musical world view encompassing rock, folk, country, soul, and jazz, Joe Henry is also a well-respected producer who has helped a wide range of artists refine their songs in the studio.

Why was Madonna banned?

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In 2013 Madonna was thrown out of the Alamo Drafthouse theater for texting during a screening of 12 Years Of Slave, and two years later she sat in the front row at Hamilton and texted the entire time, prompting Hamilton creator and star Lin-Manuel Miranda to ban her from all future performances.