
What happens if pus comes out of your toe?

What happens if pus comes out of your toe?

Call your doctor if your toe is red, warm, swollen, or drains pus, or if there are red streaks leading from your toe. Your doctor might give you antibiotics. If your toenail is very ingrown, your doctor might suggest minor surgery to remove all or part of the ingrown nail.

Can a toe infection be fatal?

Any part of your body can suffer from an infection and end up with serious damage, and your feet are no exception. When an infection spreads, it can impact your foot function, and even contribute to tissue death. This effect is called gangrene, and it’s a life-threatening condition that could lead to a limb amputation.

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What does it mean if pus comes out of your big toe?

One of the most common types of toenail infections is an ingrown toenail. If your toenail is ingrown, it means the edges of your toenail start to grow into the skin next to your toenail. Ingrown toenails can be red and inflamed, sore, and may even be filled with pus.

Can an infected toe make you sick?

An infection in your toe may also be accompanied by fever, sweating, chills, nausea, a lack of appetite, and weight loss.

What does an infected big toe look like?

You might have an infected toe if you notice: Redness. Soreness or pain. A pus-filled blister, or pus that drains from your toe.

Can a toe infection heal itself?

Will an Infected Toe Heal Itself? An infection can sometimes go away on its own, but it may need treatment. If you have diabetes, and redness and swelling don’t go away or have painful joints or muscles, you should see your doctor.

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Can ingrown toenail cause death?

An ingrown toenail is highly unlikely to be fatal, or even seriously debilitating. Nonetheless, if left untreated – especially in an individual who already has an underlying medical condition that causes impaired blood flow to the feet — an ingrown toenail can result in some serious complications.