
What happens if staircase is in north east?

What happens if staircase is in north east?

A staircase must always be built in the western or southern part of the house. It should not be constructed in the north-east corner, as it is believed that a staircase here can lead to financial losses. In fact, a staircase in any corner except the western or southern corner is believed to lead to losses.

How do you rectify north east cut?

This is why rectifying this Vastu defect is of utmost importance. Here is a quick guide for removing the defects caused by a cut in the northeast direction of a house: Place a large mirror in the affected zone so that the reflection creates a virtual extension of the northeast corner.

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How can we strengthen north east?

Ensure that there is no store room, kitchen or toilet in this zone as it attracts negative energy. Bright colours such as red and maroon in the North East zone should be replaced with soft earthy colours. For clarity of thought and peace of mind, place a statue or painting of Buddha here.

What can we keep in north east corner?

The north-east direction is governed by Lord Kuber, hence all obstructions and spaces that accrue negative energy such as toilet, shoe racks and any bulky furniture items must be immediately removed. Keep the north-east corner of your home free of clutter and let it remain spacious for good energy glow.

What is north-east corner in vastu?

The northeast direction, according to the ancient science of Vastu Shastra, is governed by Lord Shiva. This corner of a home is considered to be the most auspicious and energetic among all the eight directions. This area, also called the Ishanya corner, is the most exposed to the sun.

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What can I put on my northeast wall?

– You can hang portraits of Gods or some beautiful painting in the North-East wall or corner. Do not hang any portrait depicting negative energy eg war, crime, weeping, etc. – Use white, light yellow, blue or green colours for living room walls. Avoid red or black for living room walls.

Can we keep kitchen in Northeast?

The kitchen should never be situated in the north-east or north direction, as this can invite arguments, hinder wealth and luck from entering your life and also adversely affect one’s career. The cooking stove should be placed in the south-east corner and the members of the family should face east while cooking.