
What happens if the seller never ships the item?

What happens if the seller never ships the item?

If there’s a delay shipping your order, the seller has to tell you and give you the choice of either agreeing to the delay or canceling your order for a full refund. If the seller doesn’t ship your order, it has to give you a full refund — not just a gift card or store credit.

Do sellers have to pay if item gets lost in mail?

Buyers are responsible for providing the correct delivery address and having a secure place for orders to be delivered – they are responsible for ‘lost’ packaged after delivery. Sellers are responsible for lost packages in transit, regardless of what their shop policies say.

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What happens if eBay buyer does not accept package?

If a buyer doesn’t receive their item, they’re entitled to a refund unless you can provide tracking information showing that it was delivered. To improve your help experience, please sign in to your account.

How do I remind a seller to ship on eBay?

Contact the seller via in-app message or use the “Remind to Ship” function to remind the seller to ship the item. You can also cancel the order by going to Profile >Purchased > In Progress > The Order and tapping Cancel Order. Please note: you can only cancel the order if it has not yet shipped.

Does eBay refund for lost packages?

If your item has gone missing, or if it’s damaged or faulty, most sellers are happy to work with you to resolve the issue. Either way, you’re covered by the eBay Money Back Guarantee. If you’re still waiting for your item to arrive, you can check to see when it’s due to be delivered.

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Who is responsible if package is not delivered?

As a general rule of thumb, if you don’t see any evidence to suggest otherwise, the seller or shipper is responsible. If a package is marked as delivered and you have not seen it, then the seller is responsible. The exception is that if a package is actually lost prior to being marked delivered.