
What happens when an electron passes through a magnetic field?

What happens when an electron passes through a magnetic field?

The magnetic field causes the electrons, attracted to the (relatively) positive outer part of the chamber, to spiral outward in a circular path, a consequence of the Lorentz force.

Why do electrons get deflected by magnetic field?

Deflection of electron due to electric field The force applied on an electron due to electric field is given by F =qE . But the charge on electron is negative. Hence according Newton’s second law of motion, electron deflects accelerates opposite to the direction of electric field.

Does electron get deflected by magnetic field?

That rule describes how a charged particle (our electron) moving in a magnetic field will be deflected by that field at a right angle to both the field and to the direction of the particle. The electrons in the cathode rays would deflect toward the positively charged plates, and away from the negatively charged plates.

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Which of the following particle is not deflected in the magnetic field?

The protons, cathode rays and the alpha particles are charged particles, so these are deflected by the magnetic field. But neutrons have not any charge, so these are not deflected by magnetic field.

What happens to particles in a magnetic field?

Since the magnetic force is perpendicular to the direction of travel, a charged particle follows a curved path in a magnetic field. The particle continues to follow this curved path until it forms a complete circle.

How can you tell if moving electrons are being deflected by a magnetic field an electric field or both?

How could you tell whether moving electrons in a certain region of space are being deflected by an electric field or by a magnetic field (or both)? The answer from the text book is: If the moving electrons are changing speed as they are being deflected, then an electric field is present.

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Which of the following is not deflected by electric field?

Alpha particles are positively charged, beta particles are negatively charged, and gamma radiation is electrically neutral . This means that alpha and beta radiation can be deflected by electric fields , but gamma radiation cannot.