
What happens when the pollen of a rose fall on stigma of a sunflower?

What happens when the pollen of a rose fall on stigma of a sunflower?

If pollen of rose gets deposited on stigmas of lily flower, then germination will not take place because though many pollens land on the stigma of flowers, only the pollens of flowers belonging to the same species germinate to form the pollen tube to reach the ovary.

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What will happen if pollen grains of a Rose get deposited on stigmas of a lily flower will Fertilisation take place Why Why not?

If the pollen grain of one flower lands on the stigma of another and they are of different kinds,i.e.they belong to different species then cross-pollination won’t take place because the 2 flowers belong to different species. The pollen will fail to germinate and perish and no pollination will take place.

What happens if pollen of one species falls on the stigma of another species?

Interspecific incompatibility refers to the failure of pollen from one species to germinate and/or grow on the stigma of another species (for a review, see Taylor 1996). Intraspecific incompatibility is incompatibility that occurs within a species.

What happens to a pollen grain if it lands on a stigma of the same species of flower?

Only after pollination, when pollen has landed on the stigma of a suitable flower of the same species, can a chain of events happen that ends in the making of seeds. A pollen grain on the stigma grows a tiny tube, all the way down the style to the ovary. The ovary develops into a fruit to protect the seed.

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When pollen grains are not transferred to the stigma due to barrier?

When some physical barrier is present between male and female reproductive parts of a flower which prevents self pollination, it is called herkogamy.

Will pollen germination takes place Why?

Germination will not take place because both are different species of flowers that’s why germination will not take place. The main reproductive part of the plant is a flower. Stamens and Pistil are it’s male and female parts.

Can pollen from a rose pollinate a tulip?

Do you think that pollen from a rose can pollinate a tulip? Why or why not? No, it cannot; plants need to be the same species to pollinate each other.

What type of pollination happens when pollen grains to the stigma?

When the pollen of the flower is transferred to the stigma of the same flower, it is called self-pollination. Cross-pollination occurs when pollen is transferred from one flower to another flower on the same plant, or another plant.

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What happens when a pollen grain lands on the stigma of a carpel How does an embryo form?

When the pollen grain reaches the stigma of the carpel, it germinates to form a pollen tube. This pollen tube will grow through the neck or style, all the way down to the bottom of the carpel, to a small opening called the micropyle.

When pollen grains are transferred from an anther to a stigma in a flower due to the barrier it is called?

Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma.

Which one of the following statement is wrong when pollen is shed at two celled stage?

When pollen is shed at two-celled stage, double fertilization does not take place.