
What happens when you lose your mojo?

What happens when you lose your mojo?

When you have lost your mojo, it is so easy to spend days in the doldrums feeling miserable for yourself. Doing any kind of activity, even if you like doing it, is often too hard. All elements of laughter and fun soon disappear from your life. The feelings of joy and happiness.

What does author mean by get your mojo back?

get (one’s) mojo back To regain one’s confidence, energy, or enthusiasm, especially coinciding with a resurgence in one’s success. With his latest book, it’s clear that the renowned author has finally gotten his mojo back.

How do I bring the spark back into my life?


  1. Make Time for Yourself. Little kids spend a lot of alone time playing.
  2. Say “No” More Often. When we constantly put others’ needs before our own, we tell our subconscious mind over and over that we do not matter.
  3. Do What You Love.
  4. Speak Your Truth.
  5. Get Help.
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How do I get my mojo back in bed men?

Taking the stress levels down is imperative for balancing hormones and having a healthy sex drive. Other things that will help keep stress at bay are eating healthy foods, getting plenty of physical exercise, meditation, yoga, Ayurvedic massage, breathing exercises and sleeping 7-8 hours a night.

What’s another word for mojo?

What is another word for mojo?

magic sorcery
voodooism witchery
abracadabra black art
enchantment ensorcellment
hexcraft hocus-pocus

How do you get good mojo?

4 simple life hacks for getting your mojo back based on the neuroscience of motivation

  1. Start first, feel the motivation second.
  2. Set incremental goals.
  3. Change your words, change your mind.
  4. Pay attention to the Goldilocks Rule.

How do you find a lost spark?

Think about the last time you felt that spark roar. The last time a moment, an experience, a feeling, a thought, an activity made you feel felt like your best self. Then think about why. Then explore each important aspect of your life and try and recall the last time you felt that good in that part of your life.

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