
What if speed post is not delivered in time?

What if speed post is not delivered in time?

Ans-If parcel is not delivered to recipient then the parcel will keep at Speed post office for 18 days. If item isn’t delivered and custom charge is due then we will keep it for 21 days at post office.

How much time Speedpost take from Mumbai to Bangalore?

If the article is booked under Speedpost it will reach the destination (Bangalore) with in 4–6 days. From metro city Mumbai to Bangalore it will take 2 days in routine case.

What happens if an Indian post doesn’t deliver?

Lodge or file your complaints online for postal services of Department of Posts. A complaint can be filed or lodged for cases of loss of parcels, non-delivery or wrong delivery of article, non-refund of charges, non receipt of acknowledgement, etc.

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How do I recall a Speedpost?

You can recall article at any stage before the article is delivered or assigned to postman for delivery to the Recipient. You can recall the article from your registered account through which Booking has been done. Home>>Menu>>Mail Services>>Manage Mail>>Recall Mail.

How do I contact postmaster general?

The phone number for the United States Postmaster General Headquarters is 1-800-275-8777.

Can we track speed post with IVR number?

SMS based Status: You can also track through the SMS service. Article type ‘ POST track <. 13 digit article number >. ‘ to track the status and send SMS on 166 or 51969….Speed Post Tracking Number.

Service Type Format No. of Alpha Numeric digits
Express Parcel Post XX000000000XX 13

How can I track my SBI debit card by speed post?

Step 1: Visit https://www.indiapost.gov.in and find the Consignment Tracking page (Track N Trace) in the home page. Step 2: Enter the Speed Post Number (Consignment Number) received in the SMS and then enter the verification code shown. Step 3: Click on ‘Track Now’ button.

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How do I complain about speed post late delivery?

For online lodging of complaints and status update through website www.indiapost.gov.in (Go to home page and click on Customer Complaints​ link, select option Register Your Complaint for lodging com​​plaint and select option Track your Complaint for knowing the position of the case.)

How do I know if Speedpost is delivered?

SMS based Status: You can also track through the SMS service. Article type ‘ POST track <. 13 digit article number >. ‘ to track the status and send SMS on 166 or 51969….Speed Post Tracking Number.

Service Type Format No. of Alpha Numeric digits
Registered Post RX987654321IN 13
Express Parcel Post XX000000000XX 13