
What is a lossless transmission line?

What is a lossless transmission line?

The analysis of lossless lines provides an accurate approximation for real transmission lines that simplifies the mathematics considered in modeling transmission lines. A lossless line is defined as a transmission line that has no line resistance and no dielectric loss.

What is lossless transmission line?

Transmission Lines (4.19) (4.20) A lossless line has these properties: (a) it does not dissipate any power, (b) it is non-dispersive (i.e., the phase constant varies linearly with frequency ω, or the velocity vp = ω/β is independent of frequency), and (c) its characteristic impedance Z0 is real.

What is the main reason for using the high voltage for the long distance power transmission *?

The main reason for using high voltage for long distance power transmission is. reduction in transmission. reduction in time of transmission.

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Why is a lossless transmission line?

Lossless line , there is no loss of current across the line, and so the voltage remains the same along the line. The lossless line model is a useful approximation for many practical cases, such as low-loss transmission lines and transmission lines with high frequency.

What is input impedance of transmission line?

The input impedance of a transmission line is the impedance seen by any signal entering it. If a transmission line is ideal, there is no attenuation to the signal amplitudes and the propagation constant turns out to be purely imaginary.

Why high voltages are needed in electric power transmission?

High voltages are used in transmission systems because a higher voltage implies a lower current for a given power of transmission. With a lower current, less heat is generated in the transmission lines and so less energy is wasted.

What are the characteristics of a lossless transmission line?

2. A lossless transmission line having 50 Ω characteristic impedance and length ⁄4 is short circuited at one end and connected to an ideal voltage source of 1V at the other end. The current drawn from the voltage sources is 0 0.02 A

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What happens when DC voltage is applied to an infinite length transmission line?

If a DC voltage is applied to one end of an infinitely long transmission line, the line will draw current from the DC source as though it were a constant resistance. The characteristic impedance (Z0) of a transmission line is the resistance it would exhibit if it were infinite in length.

Why voltage magnitude is same throughout the length of line?

At Surge Impedance Loading the reactive power generated by the line capacitance is equal to the reactive power absorbed by the line inductance for every unit length of line. In Power industry it is said that the voltage profile is flat. So we conclude that for a lossless line the voltage magnitude is same throughout the length of line.

What is the voltage profile of a lossless line?

In Power industry it is said that the voltage profile is flat. So we conclude that for a lossless line the voltage magnitude is same throughout the length of line. As in case of lossy line the term is the phasor responsible for phase shift. It is simply giving phase shift to the voltage wave along the length of line.