
What is a thermistor and what does it do?

What is a thermistor and what does it do?

Thermistors are thermally sensitive resistors whose prime function is to exhibit a large, predictable and precise change in electrical resistance when subjected to a corresponding change in body temperature.

What best describes a thermistor?

A thermistor is a thermally sensitive resistor that exhibits a precise and predictable change in resistance proportional to small changes in body temperature. Thermistors are part of a larger group of passive components.

What are the two uses of thermistor?

Thermistors are used as temperature sensors. They can be found in every day appliances such as fire alarms, ovens and refrigerators. They are also used in digital thermometers and in many automotive applications to measure temperature.

How are thermistors fabricated?

NTC thermistor manufacturing begins with the precise blending of raw materials into an organic binder solution. These raw materials are powdered transition metal oxides such as manganese, nickel, cobalt, and copper oxides. The oxides and binders are combined using a wet process technique called ball milling.

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Is a thermistor a transducer?

The Thermistor is a solid state temperature sensing device which acts a bit like an electrical resistor but is temperature sensitive. Thermistors can be used to produce an analogue output voltage with variations in ambient temperature and as such can be referred to as a transducer.

How are thermistors used in cars?

Thermistor-based temperature sensors have been used in automotive applications since the late 1940’s to send signals to gauges and later to electronic control modules. Thermistor based temperature sensor for high temperature applications (1000°C), such as exhaust gas and catalytic converter temperature sensing.

What is NTC 10k?

Description: NTC is an acronym for Negative Temperature, An NTC thermistor is a temperature sensor that uses the resistance properties of ceramic/metal composites to measure the temperature.

Are thermistors more accurate than thermocouples?

Accuracy: NTC thermistors are highly accurate through incremental changes within their operating range. Thermocouples have lower accuracy and require a conversion of millivolts to temperature when used for temperature control and compensation.

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Are thermistors waterproof?

A thermistor is a thermal resistor – a resistor that changes its resistance with temperature. They are also much easier to waterproof since its just a resistor.