
What is absent in RBC?

What is absent in RBC?

Erythrocytes as they mature lose a number of organelles including mitochondria. As Krebs’ cycle occurs in mitochondria, it is absent in erythrocytes. RBCs predominantly use HMP for respiration. So, the correct answer is ‘Krebs’ cycle’.

What organelles do RBCs have?

In most mammals, erythrocytes do not have any organelles (e.g. nucleus, mitochondria ); this frees up room for the hemoglobin molecules and prevents the cell from using the oxygen it is carrying.

Why are mitochondria absent RBC?

Answer Expert Verified The Red Blood Cells (RBC) carry oxygen to the cells. To make this function very efficient, it loses or removes its Mitochondria during a phase called Erythropoiesis. Absence of Mitochondria also gives Red Blood Cells more space to carry oxygen and also to produce ATP, which is an energy carrier.

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What organelles are in mature RBC?

Mature RBC’s do not contain DNA and cannot synthesise RNA, as they lack nuclei and organelles.

Do red blood cells have Golgi apparatus?

These cells have nuclei during development, but push them out as they mature. This gives more space for haemoglobin. Mammalian RBCs also lose all other cellular organelles such as their mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum.

Why do RBC do not have mitochondria?

The function of RBC is to carry oxygen. The mitochondria is absent so it will not be able to use any carrying oxygen thus increasing the carrying capacity.

Why do red blood cells not have organelles?

camel RBCs are nucleated. Mature red blood cells (RBCs) do not possess nucleus along with other cell organelles such as mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum in order to accommodate greater amount of haemoglobin in the cells.

What organelle is missing from the red blood cells gizmo?

Explanation: Mature red blood cells lack a nucleus.