
What is an example of bisexual?

What is an example of bisexual?

For example, you could be romantically attracted to people of multiple genders, but sexually attracted only to men. Or maybe you don’t have sexual feelings for anyone, but you do experience romantic attraction.

How do you classify bisexuality?

Bisexuals, then, are variously defined as people who:

  1. are sexually attracted to males and females;
  2. are not prevented from being sexually attracted to anyone because that person is male or female;
  3. are sexually attracted to the individuals they are attracted to, whether those individuals are male or female;

Is Rose a bisexual flower?

Unisexual and bisexual flowers are two types of flowers found in plants. Bisexual flowers: Lily, Rose, Sunflower, Tulip, Daffodil, Mustard, Brinjal, Hibiscus, Tomato, Long bean, Chille, Country bean, mango.

What is a bisexual flower?

Bisexual: each flower of each individual has both male and female structures, i.e. it combines both sexes in one structure. Flowers of this kind are called perfect, having both stamens and carpels.

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Is watermelon bisexual flower?

BISEXUAL FLOWERS: Flower which has both stamens and carpels is described as bisexual or hermaphroditic . coconut flowers , papaya, watermelon, cucumber, maize, white mulberry etc.

Is cucumber a bisexual flower?

Cucumber has unisexual flowers, which resulted from the arrest or inhibition of inappropriate sexual organ development during the hermaphroditic stage of flower bud differentiation and development (Bai and Xu 2013) .

Is watermelon a bisexual flower?

Is mango a bisexual flower?

Answer: Bisexual means mango produces both male and female flowers and monoecious means both types of flowers are present in a single plant. On the other hand dioecious means plant can bear either male or female flower.

Which is not unisexual?

Gulmohar is not a unisexual flower. The correct answer is C. Gulmohar. The flower which has either female or male reproductive system is called as Unisexual.

Is Rose a bisexual plant?

Who is not unisexual flower?