
What is international MSISDN format of Uganda?

What is international MSISDN format of Uganda?

MSISDN means Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number and it’s a number used to identify a phone number internationally. It is composed of the country code and the national destination’s code. The MSISDN format will get rid of the + sign and of any 0 before the mobile number.

How do I find my MSISDN number?

Unlock the android device. Go to settings . Scroll down to the about phone. In about phone you can see the phone number or MSISDN.

How do I write my phone number with country code in Uganda?

Country phone codes +256 is the country calling code assigned to Uganda by the International Telecommunication Union.

What is the phone number for Uganda?

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Uganda/Dialing codes

What does MSISDN stand for?

Mobile Station
This abbreviation has several interpretations, the most common one being “Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number”. The MSISDN and international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) are two important numbers used for identifying a mobile subscriber.

Where is MSISDN stored?

SIM card
The MSISDN can be stored on the SIM card, however most network providers (all providers in South Africa) do not store the MSISDN on the SIM card. There are several reasons for this, the most notable being: Dynamic MSISDN allocation: Prepaid SIMs are sometime allocated an MSISDN when they are first used.

Is MSISDN same as phone number?

MSISDN Numbers Are Phone Numbers An MSISDN is simply the full phone number of a cellphone, including the country code and any area code or similar code issued by that country.

What is the name of Uganda airport?

Entebbe International Airport

Entebbe International Airport
Airport type Public / Military
Operator Government of Uganda
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What is Uganda code?
