
What is Laurent polynomial ring?

What is Laurent polynomial ring?

In mathematics, a Laurent polynomial (named after Pierre Alphonse Laurent) in one variable over a field is a linear combination of positive and negative powers of the variable with coefficients in . Laurent polynomials in X form a ring denoted. [X, X−1].

What is polynomial ring example?

In mathematics, especially in the field of algebra, a polynomial ring or polynomial algebra is a ring (which is also a commutative algebra) formed from the set of polynomials in one or more indeterminates (traditionally also called variables) with coefficients in another ring, often a field.

What is a ring in abstract algebra?

ring, in mathematics, a set having an addition that must be commutative (a + b = b + a for any a, b) and associative [a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c for any a, b, c], and a multiplication that must be associative [a(bc) = (ab)c for any a, b, c]. Rings are used extensively in algebraic geometry.

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Are polynomial rings finite?

A ring of polynomials over a factorial ring is itself factorial. For a ring of polynomials in a finite number of variables over a field k there is Hilbert’s basis theorem: Every ideal in k[x1,…,xn] is finitely generated (as an ideal) (cf. Hilbert theorem).

Why is a polynomial ring not a field?

Because by definition, the only polynomial that can have a negative degree is 0, which is defined to have a degree of −∞. Non-zero constants have degree 0. You then have the degree equation: deg(fg)=deg(f)+deg(g) for any polynomials f,g.

Is quotient ring a ring?

It is a specific example of a quotient, as viewed from the general setting of universal algebra. Starting with a ring R and a two-sided ideal I in R, a new ring, the quotient ring R / I, is constructed, whose elements are the cosets of I in R subject to special + and ⋅ operations.

How many elements does the quotient ring have?

So the quotient ring will just consist of the four elements 0,\,1,\,x,\,x+1.

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How do you show something that is a ring?

A ring is a nonempty set R with two binary operations (usually written as addition and multiplication) such that for all a, b, c ∈ R, (1) R is closed under addition: a + b ∈ R. (2) Addition is associative: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c). (3) Addition is commutative: a + b = b + a.

How do you find the Alexander polynomial?

An Alexander polynomial ∆K of a tame knot K can be defined by the following two equations: (1) ∆trivial knot = 1. (2) ∆L+ −∆L− +(t1/2 −t−1/2)∆L0 = 0, where L+,L−,L0 are three links which differ only at one crossing, as shown in figure 4.