
What is NFA in oil and gas?

What is NFA in oil and gas?

NFA. No Further Activity: the forecast without new Capex invested.

What does CCR stand for offshore?

Acronym for Centre for Cold Ocean Resources Engineering. CCR. Acronym for central control room. Page 4.

What are noms in oil and gas?

National Occupational Mortality Surveillance (NOMS)

What is PG in oil and gas?

PGS. Petroleum Geo-Services (Bagher Farmani works here)

What is oil short?


Acronym Definition
OIL Ontology Interchange Language (XML)
OIL Outgoing Interface List (computer networking)
OIL Oklahomans for Independent Living
OIL Operating Instruction Letter (California)

What is the abbreviation for natural gas?

Acronym Definition
NG Natural Gas
NG Norwegian
NG Not Going
NG National Guard (US)
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What does BoL mean in oil and gas?

A bill of lading (BL or BoL) is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. A bill of lading also serves as a shipment receipt when the carrier delivers the goods at a predetermined destination.

What is the full form of oil *?

The full form of OIL stands for Oil India Limited. The Oil India Limited is the second largest hydrocarbon exploration and production Indian public sector company. The operational headquarters are located in Duliajan, Assam, India.

What does Oli mean in texting?


Acronym Definition
OLI on Line Information
OLI on Line Interface
OLI Optical Phone Line Interface
OLI Originating Line Information

What does the abbreviation gas mean?


Acronym Definition
GAS Government Auditing Standards
GAS Good Academic Standing (various organizations)
GAS General Adaptation Syndrome
GAS Greetings and Salutations